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A HISTORY OF NORFOLK plough, now I. Then as now it was worth 32 pence. This the same holds. In Bron [Broome] Toka, i freeman of Harold's by commendation, held T.R.E. 30 acres and 6 acres of meadow. Then one plough, now a half. The soke is in the hundret. Then as now it was worth 10 shillings. In Karlentona [Carleton] i freeman of Godwin's (with) 20 acres and 2 bordars. Then as now half a plough. Then as now it was worth 20 pence. Hundret of Erpincham Sud [South Erpingham] Alebei [Alby]. One ploughland was held by I freeman OiFort for a manor under Harold ; now his 4 sons hold it. Then as now 3 villeins and 5 bordars. Then and afterwards I plough on the demesne. Then and afterwards 2 (ploughs) belonging to the men ; now among the whole 4 (ploughs), and I mill. Then and afterwards it was worth 20 shillings, now 40 ; and it is 6 fur- longs in length and 5 in breadth, whoever may hold there, and (pays) 3 pence and a halfpenny for geld. In Buc [? Burgh (next Aylsham)] 2 freemen (with) 90 acres of land ; then as now 2 bordars and ih ploughs, and half an acre of meadow ; now half a mill. Then and afterwards it was worth 15 shillings, now 25 shillings and 4 pence. And it is 3 furlongs in length and 2 in breadth, and (pays) 2 pence for geld. In Erpincham [Erpingham] I freeman of Harold's (with) 30 acres of land. Then as now i bordar and half a plough and half an acre of meadow. Then and afterwards it was worth 4 shillings, now 5 (shillings) and 4 pence. In Torp [Thorpe] ^ I freeman of the same (Harold's) (with) 60 acres of land ; now Turold holds him. Then and afterwards 5 bordars, now 2 ; then as i. 187. now I plough on the demesne, and half a plough belonging to the men. Wood(land) for 5 swine, and I sokeman (with) I acre. Then it was worth 10 shillings, now 20. In WicMERA [Wickmere] 9 freemen of the same (Harold's) (with) I ploughland ; now Robert de Curcon holds (them) : then as now 5 bordars and 2 serfs and 2 ploughs and I acre of meadow, wood(land) for 10 swine. Then it was worth 20 shillings, now 30 ; and (it is) 6 furlongs in length and 4 in breadth, and (pays) 8 pence for geld. There too {In eadem) 2 free- men of Harold's and Bishop Almar's (with) 30 acres, then as now 2 bordars, and half a plough, and half an acre of meadow. Then 3 parts of I mill. Then it was worth 8 shillings, now 12. Hundret of Tonsteda [Tunstead] In Felmicham (Felmingham) i ploughland which belongs [pertinent) to the 4 men of Sudfelda ' Probably either Calthorpe or Baconsthorpe. [Suffield] ; * then as now 7 bordars and 4 soke- men on the same land, then as now 2 ploughs and i^ acres of meadow. And this is in the valuation of Sudfelda [Suffield]. There too {In eadem) (are) 4 freemen (with) 80 acres, then as now 4 bordars, and 2 ploughs, and 2 acres of meadow, and I mill. Then it was worth lo shillings, now 16 (shillings) and 4 pence. And it is I league in length and 5 furlongs in breadth, and (pays) 18 pence for geld. One of those 4 was the man of the predecessor of R[obert] Malet. In Smaleberga [Smallburgh] 3 freemen (with) I ploughland ; then as now 1 2 bordars and 3 sokemen. Then and afterwards 3 ploughs, now 4, and 2 acres of meadow, wood(land) for 6 swine. Two of these are in the valua- tion of Antingham [Antingham] ' and the third is worth 10 shillings. One of them was the man of the predecessor of Robert Malet, and the others belonged to St. Benet : * St. Benet itself (has) the soke. In Dillam [Dilham] i free- man of Edric (with) 60 acres of land; then as now 5 bordars and I plough and I acre of meadow. This is in the valuation of Sudfelda [Suffield] . Hundret of Hapinga [Happing] In Palinga [Palling] i freeman of Guerd (with) I ploughland ; then as now 5 bordars, and I plough on the demesne, and 24 acres of meadow and I plough belonging to the men. There too {In eadem) 5 men (with) 23 acres whom Hugh de Hosdenc holds ; then as now I plough. Then it was worth 20 shillings, now 40. Of those 4 were free, but they could not withdraw {recedere) except on giving 2 shillings. In Wacstenesham [Waxham] half a free- man (with) 7 acres of knd ; and he is in the same valuation. f. 187b. In Stalham [Stalham] i freeman (with) 1 5 acres. This the same holds. In Brunestada [Brimstead] I freeman (with) 1 5 acres, and in Horseia [Horsey] i freeman (with) 12 acres. Of these Ailwin, his predecessor, had not even the commendation T.R.E. , and yet he claims them as part of {revocat ad) his fee by the king's gift, because the said {'lie) Ailwin had commendation of them in the time of King William. Then as now I plough and 4 acres of meadow, and it is worth 4 shillings. The king and the earl (have) the soke. Hundret of Humiliart [Humbleyard] In Carletuna [Carleton, (East)] 27 freemen and a half under Olf by commendation only and soke of the fold T.R.E., and they have ' See f. 1 84^. ' See fF. 1843, 185. ' St. Benet of Holm. 110