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A HISTORY OF NORFOLK now 25. The king and the earl have the soke of all these freemen. In CoLENEN [Colney] i freeman of Stigand's by commendation only (with) i ploughiand, whom Wareger holds ; then as now 2 villeins ; and 9 freemen under him by commendation only, (with) 24 acres (of land). Then 4 ploughs, afterwards 3^ ploughs, now I plough and 2 oxen, and 6 acres of meadow, and I mill. Then it was worth 20 shillings, now 30. In Florenduna [Flordon] 5 freemen ; of 4 Roger's predecessor had commendation only, and the predecessor of Roger de Ramis (had com- mendation) of the fifth ; and they have 1 5 acres and half a plough, and are worth 16 pence. There too {In eadem) (are) 2 freemen ; of I and of a moiety of the other Stigand had commenda- tion T.R.E. and of the other moiety the pre- f. 189. decessor of Roger Bigot had commendation only T.R.E. And they have 30 acres and 2 bordars and half a plough and I acre of meadow, and are worth 4 shillings. Of half this land Godric was seised as of {ad) his fee when R[alf] made forfeiture.^ In Cringaforda [Cringleford] i freeman of Stigand's, 15 acres and 2 bordars; and 2 freemen (with) 7^ acres ; then as now half a plough, and i^ acres of meadow, and the eighth part of a mill ; and they are worth 3 shillings. In Rainestorp [Rainthorpe] ^ half a freeman in commendation T.R.E. (with) 30 acres of land ; now Wareger holds (it). Then 2 villeins, now I ; then as now half a plough and I acre of meadow ; and it is worth 5 shillings. In NiwESTUNA [Newton (Flotman)] i freeman, 15 acres, and 2 bordars, and it is worth 16 pence. In Florenduna [Flordon] i freeman (with) 30 acres ; then half a plough. Of him Godric's predecessor had commendation, and he is worth 3 shillings. Depwade Hundret In FoRNEssETA [Forncett] 6 freemen in commendation (with) 85 acres; then 3 ploughs, now 25 acres of meadow. And in Halsa [ ] 4 freemen (with) 36 acres, then as now 2 ploughs and 3 acres of meadow. In Carletuna [Carlton (Rode)] 3 freemen, 12 acres and half a plough, and I acre of meadow. In Fredetuna [Fritton] 3 freemen and a half, 80 acres and 13 bordars, then as now 2 ploughs, and half a plough belonging to the men, and 3 acres of meadow, and I church (with) 40 acres, and I sokeman and a half under it {sub iW) (with) 5 acres. In Carletuna [Carlton (Rode)] 16 freemen and a half and I ploughiand, and 6 acres and 10 bordars. Then 3 ploughs, now 2, and 5 acres of meadow, and 2 churches (with) 30 acres. In Kikelingatuna [Kettleton] ^ 3 freemen, 48 acres, and i plough and 3 acres of meadow. In Oslactuna [Aslacton] 1 1 freemen (with) 54 acres. Then 2 ploughs, now I, 4 acres of meadow. Of 3 of these 11 the predecessor of Robert Malet had commendation T.R.E. ; and on the day on which William Malet died he was seised of 2. This Hugh holds. In Muletuna [Moulton (St. Michael)] 9 freemen and a half (with) 140 acres — now Malger holds them — and 15 bordars. Then and afterwards 4 ploughs, now 3 ; and 2 free- men and a half under them (with) 1 5 acres and 8 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 5 swine. In Muletuna [Moulton] i freeman (with) 60 acres (the same holds him) and 7 bordars and f. 189b. 2 ploughs and 6 acres of meadow ; and i church with 15 acres. Wood(land) for 8 swine. Then I mill. And under him 14 freemen with 20 acres, then as now i plough and 2 acres of meadow. There too (In eaderri) 4 freemen (with) 6 acres. The whole of Muletuna [Moulton (St. Michael)] is i^ leagues in length, and half (a league) in breadth, and (pays) 13 pence and a halfpenny for geld. In Tuanestuna [PSwanton]* 12 freemen (with) 140 acres, and 3 bordars. Now Wil- liam holds them. Then 5 ploughs, afterwards 4, now 3, and 8 acres of meadow. There too {In eadem) under them 4 freemen and a half (with) 6 acres and half a plough. In Waketuna [Wacton] 6 freemen and a half (with) 86 acres and 5 bordars. Then 3 ploughs, and afterwards, now 2, and 4 acres of meadow. There too under these 4 freemen (with) 15 acres. In Stratuna [Stratton, (Long)] 7 freemen (with) 60 acres. Then and after- wards 3 ploughs, now I, and 2 acres of meadow and half a mill. In Sceltuna [Shel- ton] 9 freemen and a half and 3 bordars, and 1 church (with) 16 acres; and under these 4 freemen ; between them all 59 acres; then as now 2 ploughs, and 2 acres of meadow. And the whole of Sceltuna [Shelton] is I league in length and a half in breadth, and (pays) 9 pence for geld. This Durand holds, and Waketuna [Wacton] also {similiter). In TiBHAM [Tibenham] 3 freemen (with) 69 acres and 7 bordars. Then and afterwards 2 ploughs, now i^, and 2 acres of meadow. In Habituna [Hapton] i freeman of Stigand's T.R.E. (with) 30 acres. Then i villein, then as now 2 bordars, and I plough on the demesne. Then half a plough. There too {In eadem) ' Compare f. 205. ' In Newton-Flotman. ' In Forncett ;

  • See above, p.

see above, p. 104. 104. 112