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HOLDERS OF LANDS 4^ pence geld. To this manor belong 2 soke- men in Strincham [Heringham]. Then as now 60 acres of land and 14 bordars. Then as now i^ ploughs and 2^ acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 18 swine and 2 thirds [partes) of another and 7 eighths (partes) of a mill. It was then worth 15 shillings, now 25. In Bernincham [Barningham, (Little)] i ploughland and 50 acres and 3 villeins and 1 1 bordars. Then as now 2^ ploughs and 5 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 28 swine. Then (there was) I mill, which Godric now holds as of the king's fee [ad feodum regis). It was then worth 12 shillings, now 22. This belongs to [jacet in) Bliclinga [Blickling]. Marsam [Marsham] was held by Harold as 4 ploughlands. Then as now (there were) 6 villeins and 29 bordars ; and then as now 2 ploughs on the demesne and 4 ploughs belong- ing to the men ; 6 acres of meadow. Wood- (land) for 100 swine ; and 4 sokemen (whom) Roger holds {tenet) (with) i ploughland and 3 bordars and 2 ploughs and I rouncey and 2 beasts and 12 swine and 26 goats and 6 hives of bees. It was then worth 6 pounds, now 9. And it is I league and 3 furlongs in length and 7 furlongs in length {sic for breadth), and (ren- ders) 1 1 pence of geld. In Stratuna [Stratton (Strawless)] (there is) I sokeman (holding) 30 acres (belonging) to Marsham [Marsam] and half a plough. And it is worth 2 shillings. HUNDRET OF HaPINGA [HaPPING] In HoRSEiA [Horsey] W. de Noers holds (what) I freeman of Bishop Aylmer's by com- mendation only (held), 25 acres and 3 bordars and half a plough and 10 acres of meadow. And it is worth 2 shillings. The king and the f. 197. earl have the soke. There also (are) 2 free- men, commended to Bishop Aylmer, of 17 acres and 5 acres of meadow ; and it is worth 30 pence. HuNDRET OF FlEC [(EaSt) FlEGG] In Scroutebei [Scratby] (there are) 7 soke- men (holding) 20 acres. Then as now i plough. And it is worth 32 pence. And these sokemen belong to {jacent in) Haimesbei [Hemsby] . (There is) i church (with) 36 acres and worth 3 shillings. There also (are) 10 free- men ; of these Bishop Aylmer had the com- mendation T.R.E. And they have 2 plough- lands and 5 acres. Then as now 5 ploughs and 3 acres of meadow. It was then worth 20 shillings, now 30. All these were held T.R.E. by Bishop Aylmer {Ailmarus) and (afterwards by) Herewast [Arfastus), now by Bishop William. And yet of one the abbot of Holme {abbas de Olmo) had the commendation only T.R.E. And 6 of these {ex his) freemen are held by Richard son of Alann, of the bishop, and the bishop {idem episcopus) has the others. In Osmesbei [Ormsby (St. Margaret)] (there are) 2 freemen (of) Guend {sic) (holding) 40 acres. Then as now i plough and 2 acres of meadow. And it is worth 8 shillings. This also is held by the same Richard. In Trikebei [Thrigby] (there was) i free- man (holding) 12 acres of land under Bishop Aylmer by commendation only. Then as now half a plough. And it is worth 1 2 pence, and half a league in length and half in breadth, and (renders) 14^^ pence of geld. Hundret of Depwade In Stratuna [Stratton (Long)] (there are) 12 freemen of whom Bishop Aylmer had the com- mendation only T.R.E. (They hold) 203 acres, and (have) loj bordars and 3 ploughs and 6 acres of meadow. It was then worth 20 shillings, now 40. Clavelinga [Clavering] Hundret In Ravincham [Raveningham] (there is) I freeman of Bishop Aylmer {Ailmarus) by com- mendation (holding) 30 acres and 2 bordars and half a plough. And it is worth 3 shillings. f. 197b. Hundret of Grenehou [Greenhoe (South)] OF THE Encroachment of the same fief In Gresingaham [Cressingham, (Great)] Ralph the bishop of Tedfort's man has seized (invasit) a certain freeman with i ploughland who was in the soke of the king's (manor) of Gres- ingaham [Cressingham, (Little)], and he detains the soke of {de) 2 freemen, and it is worth 20 shillings. In Cressingaham [Cressingham, (Great)] (there are) 6 freemen of Eduin (holding) 3 ploughlands. Then 6 ploughs, now 2 and 4 acres of meadow ; I mill. It was then worth 60 shillings, now 30 shillings. Hundret of Fredrebruge [Freebridge] In Meltinga [Mintlyn] (there are) 15 free- men (holding) 40 acres of land ; then as now half a plough and 6 bordars, and it is worth 30 shillings. His predecessors had only the com- mendation of these. Stigand had the soke. In the Hundret of Smetheduna [Smethden] Hunestanestuna [Hunstanton] was held by I sokeman of Stigand T.R.E. (as) I ploughland, and (there was) I plough. Then (there were) 3 bordars, now 2 and 2 j acres of meadow ; half a mill ; wood(land) for 24 swine. Then (there was) I fishery. The whole is worth 10 shillings. 119