Page:VCH Norfolk 2.djvu/169

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HOLDERS OF LANDS the demesne, now 3.' Then 6 ploughs belong- ing to the men, now 3. Then as now 19 vil- leins and 13 bordars. Then 7 serfs, now 5 ; 26 acres of meadow, i mill. Then lorounceys, now 4. Then i cow,^ now 6. Then 131 sheep, now 300. Then 24 swine, now 23.' This land is I league and 100 perches in length and half a league and i furlong in breadth. And in marsh- land [maresc) the measurement is unknown {nescit memuram). Now as then it is worth 10 pounds. To this manor belonged [adjacebant) T.R.E. 27 sokemen, with all custom, but after King William came Hugh de Montfort had them all but one. And W[illiam] de Warenne (has) I sokeman with 6 acres from the church. All this land rendered 14 pence of geld when the hundret and a half rendered a geld of 20 shillings. Now it does the same {similiter). In Becheswella [Bexwell] (is) i ploughland, and I plough on the demesne and i plough be- longing to the men, 7 villeins, I serf, 10 acres of meadow. It is worth 20 shillings.^ In Phincham [Fincham] St. Etheldreda held 30 acres of land T.R.E. Then as now 3 bordars and I plough, 10 acres of meadow. It is worth f. 213- 10 shillings. In Hidlingeia [Hilgay] (are) 4 bordars (with) 2 acres and they are worth 6 pence. In Photestorp [Foston '] (is) i ploughland, and 3 villeins and 2 bordars. Then as now I plough on the demesne, and half a plough belonging to the men and 2 acres of meadow and 80 sheep, 8 swine. It is worth 20 shillings.* It is 4 furlongs in length and 3 in breadth 'and (renders) 4 pence of geld.' Ulchetel, Hermer's man, claims in whatever way trial be made, either by battle or by ordeal, that this land is free. And another (man) is ready to prove in the same way {eo modo) that it belonged to the church on the day on which King Edward died.' But the whole hundred witnesses that it belonged [fuisse ad) T.R.E. to St. Etheldreda. In FoRHAM [Fordham] (are) 3 bordars (with) 12 acres. It is worth 2 shillings. In Dunham [Downham (Market)] (are) 2 villeins (with) 10 acres and i acre of meadow. It is worth 1 2 pence. AH Dunham [Downham (Market)] is 3 furlongs in length and 2 in breadth, and (renders) 4 pence of geld, whoever holds there. '/.£.' Then as now 3 ploughs on the demesne.'

  • I.E.' beast.'

' /. E. tMnsfers to end of entry.

  • I. E. ' now ,is then.'

' Blomefield (vii, 364) suggests Foston in Totten- hill (i.e. Fodderstone Gap in Shouldham Thorpe), where the prior of Ely held in I 3 16 ; Feuti. Aids, iii, 45I- I.E. ' now as then.' ' /. E. omits. ' /. E. adds ' and both have given pledges.' Hundred and a half of Fredebruge [Freebridge] Waltuna [Walton, (West)] was held by St. Etheldreda T.R.E. for 4 ploughlands. Then as now (there were) 20 villeins (and) 40 bordars. Then 17 serfs,' now 13 ; 100 acres of meadow, I fishery. Then as now 5 ploughs on the demesne and 3 ploughs belonging to the men. Then 22 saltpans (iaV now 24. Then as now 6 rounceys. Then 18 beasts, now 16. Then 22 '" swine, now 23. Then as now 1,300 slieep. To this manor belong {Hie jacent) 47 acres of land " in Esingatuna [Islington] which now as then are held by 2 villeins. And 7 sokemen with I ploughland, and 1 1 bordars, and 3 serfs. Then as now 2 ploughs. Now as then it is worth 15 pounds.'^ In Agra [Acre, (? West)] half a ploughland was held by St. Etheldreda T.R.E. (with) 2 bordars, I serf, (and) i acre of meadow. Then as now half a plough (and) 30 sheep. It is worth 3 shillings. In Esingatuna [Islington] St. Etheldreda held I ploughland T.R.E. Then (there was) I plough, now a half, 2 villeins, 3 bordars, 20 acres of meadow, (and) 2 saltpans. To this manor belong 18 sokemen with 17!^ acres. The whole is worth 16 shillings. Hundret of Grimeshou [Grimshoe] Feltwella [Feltwell] then as now was held by St. Etheldreda for 6 ploughlands. Then (there were) 40 villeins, now 28. Then 5 bordars, now 10. Then 14 serfs, now 12. Then five '* ploughs on the demesne, now 4.'^ Then 8 ploughs belonging to the men, now 7 ; 30 acres of meadow. Then as now 2 rounceys, I I beasts, 140 sheep. Then 33 swine, now 22 ; I mill and 2 fisheries. Then as now it was worth 1 2 pounds. It is i^ leagues in length, and i league in breadth,'* and (renders) 30 i pence of geld. To this manor belonged T.R.E. 34 " soke- f. 213b. men " with all custom whom W[illiam] de Warenne {Gar) now holds,'* and 6 freemen by soke and commendation only." '* The same W[illiam] has them all.'«  Nortwalde [Northwold] then as now was held by St. Etheldreda for 6 ploughlands. Then as now (there were) 8 villeins, 18 bordars, (and) '/.£. 18. '"/. £.31. " /. E. ' of the demesne of this vill ' " /. E. ' It was then worth 9 pounds, now I 5.' ^^ I.E. '17 acres of land and half a ploDgh.' "/.£. 4. "I.E. 5. "' Repeated. " I.E.'l league in breadth and a half in breadth.' '* /. E. omits. '" I.E. adds ' and 7 others were freemen who could sell their lands, but the soke and commendation re- mained to St Etheldreda.' 135