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HOLDERS OF LANDS T.R.E. And 2^ freemen (with) 75 acres by com- mendation only T.R.E. And (they have) i^ bordars. Then as now 2^ ploughs and 2 serfs. And I freeman with (de) half an acre. It was then worth 10 shillings, now 17. And Intewida [Intwood] is I league in length and a half in breadth and (renders) g^ pence of geld. And this manor was worth 60 shillings T.R.E. (and is) now (worth) 80. XXV. THE LANDS OF WALTER GIFFARD HUNDRET OF EnsFORDA [EyNESFORD] BiNNETRE [Bintree] was held by Edric, a free- man, T.R.E. (as) I ploughland. Then as now (there were) 3 villeins and 9 bordars. Then (there was) i serf. Then as now (there were) 2 ploughs on the demesne and 2 ploughs belong- ing to the men and 8 acres of meadow. Now (there are) 9 swine and 60 sheep. It was then worth 20 shillings, afterwards and now 60. And (there are) 4 freemen (with) I ploughland. Then as now (they had) 2 ploughs and I bordar and 3 acres of meadow. They were then worth 20 shillings, now 12 shillings. The soke of this land T.R.E. lay in the king's (manor of) Folsa [Foulsham]; now Walter has it. And it is 5 furlongs in length and 3 in breadth and renders 12J pence of the king's geld. f. 241. In Gegesete [Guist] (are) 5 freemen (with) l^ ploughlands and 5 bordars. Then as now (they had) 4 ploughs and 6 acres of meadow ; wood(land) for 8 swine. It was then worth 20 shillings, now 40. And the soke (was) in the king's (manor of) Folsa[m] [Foulsham] T.R.E. ; now Walter has it. And it is half a league in length and (the same) in breadth and renders S^ pence of the king's geld whoever holds there. In NoRTUNA [(Wood) Norton] (are) 3 freemen (with) 72 acres of land. Then as now (they had) 6 bordars ; then as now 2 ploughs and 4 acres of meadow ; wood(land) for 8 swine. They were then worth 13 shillings, now 20. And one of these men was commended to Bishop Aylmer {Almari). In Dallinga [(Wood) Bailing] (are) 5 freemen (with) 70 acres of land. Then and afterwards (they had) 2^ ploughs, now 1 5-, and half an acre of meadow. Then as now they were worth 10 shillings. The soke is in the king's (manor of) Folsa[m] [Foulsham]. In WiTCiNGEHAM [Witchingham] half a ploughland was held by I freeman T.R.E. Then as now (he had) i villein and 3 bordars. And 2 sokemen (have) 3 acres of land and 3 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 10 swine. It was then worth 10 shillings, now 20 shillings. In SuENiNGATUNA [Swannington] (are) 7 free- men (with) li ploughlands, 16 acres of land and 3 acres of meadow and i bordar. Then and afterwards (they had) 5 ploughs, now 3 (?).i And (there are) 12 sokemen (with) 40 acres of land. Then as now (they had) 2 ploughs and 3 acres of meadow. (There is) wood(land) for 6 swine. Then as now they were worth 40 shil- lings. The soke was in the king's (manor of) Folsa[m] [Foulsham] T.R.E. ; nowW[alter] has it. And it is half a league in length and (the same) in breadth, and renders 7 pence of the king's geld. In Helmingeha[m] [Helmingham^] i free- man held 2 ploughlands T.R.E. Then as now (there was) i villein, and 3 bordars and 3 serfs. Then (there were) 2 ploughs on the demesne, afterwards and now I, and i might be added {restaurari). Then as now (there was) half a plough belonging to the men, and 4 acres of meadow, and I mill. And (there are) 12 soke- men (with) 30 acres of land. Then as now f. 241b. (they had) 3 ploughs and 2 acres of meadow. Then as now it was worth 40 shillings. In Remingaland [Ringland] (are) 3 freemen (with) 60 acres of land. Then as now (they had) I plough and 2 acres of meadow. They are worth 10 shillings. The soke was in the king's (manor of) Folsa[m] [Foulsham] T.R.E. ; now W [alter] has it. Hundret of Taverham [Taverham] In Atebruge [Attlebridge] (are) 3J freemen and 5 acres of land. Then as now (there were) 2 bordars. Then (there were) 2 ploughs, after- wards and now i ; and 2 acres of meadow. And it is worth 10 shillings. In Felethorp [Felthorpe] (is) i freeman (with) 30 acres. Then (he had) I plough, afterwards and now a half; 2 acres of meadow. And he is worth 8 shillings. The king and the earl (had) the soke of all this (de toto) T.R.E. and now Walter [Gait') has it. The whole of Attebruge [Attlebridge] is I league in length and 3 furlongs in breadth, and (renders) 8f pence of geld. Erpincham Sud [South Erpingham] Hundret In Stratuna [Stratton (Strawless)] (were) 19 sokemen of Harold (belonging) to [in) Marfa[m] [Marsham]. Then as now (they had) 2 bordars. Then (they had) 4 ploughs, afterwards and now 3 ; 6 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 30 swine. It was then worth 20 shillings, now 40. And it is I league in length and a half in breadth and (renders) 1 1 pence of geld. • The MS. reads m°.m', prob.ibIy in error for m°. Hi.

  • In Morton-on-the-Hill.
