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HOLDERS OF LANDS In Dereham [Dereham, (West)] 2 free- men (have) 6 acres and they have been valued (^pretiate). HUNDRET AND A HALF OF FrEDREERUGA [Freebridge] I ploughland TiLiNGHETUNA [Terrington] is held by Geoffrey (as) I ploughland, where Tort held T.R.E. Then as now (there were) 5 villeins, and 4 bordars, and 24 acres of meadow. Then as now I plough on the demesne and i plough belonging to the men, and 5 saltpans. Now 1 rouncey, and 5 beasts, and 7 swine. Then 15 sheep, now 200. It was then worth 40 shillings, afterwards 10, now 60. In LuN [Lynn] (Ralf has) 58 acres of meadow, and 3 acres of land, and 2 saltpans, and I freeman with {de) 3 acres and 8 acres of meadow and half a saltpan, by way of exchange. And over him Stigand had the soke, HuNDRET OF GrISMESHOU [GrIMSHOE] In Steirton [Sturston] Lovel holds 6 plough- lands, where Torp held {tenet). Then and afterwards (there were) 9 villeins, now 2. Then as now 2 bordars ; 10 acres of meadow. Then as now 2 ploughs on the demesne, and there might be {potest esse) a third. Then 3 ploughs belonging to the men, now 2 oxen. Then 2 rounceys, now 3. Then 8 beasts, now 11. Then 20 swine, now 11. Then 3 sheep, now 200. Then 1 1 mares, now none. Then as now it was worth 60 shillings. And there also 16 freemen hold 2 ploughlands and I acre. Then and afterwards (they had) 6 ploughs among them, now three. They were then worth 20 shillings, and (Ralf) has them by way of exchange. The whole is i league in length and a half in breadth and (renders) 1 1 pence in geld. f. 852. HuNDRET OF GrENEHOU [GrEENHOE, (SoUTH)] Bradeha[m] [Bradenham] was held by Ailid, a freewoman, T.R.E. Now B[aignard] (has it) for a manor. Then and afterwards (there were) 12 villeins, now 15. Then and afterwards 6 bordars, now 8. Then 4 serfs, now none. Then 2 ploughs on the demesne, now the same {similiter). Then as now 3 ploughs belonging to the men ; 8 acres of meadow. Wood (land) for 250 swine {ad cc porcos et dimidiurn^. When (Ralf) received it (there were) 2 rounceys, now I. Then as now i [ ? ]. Then and now 9 beasts, and 18 swine, and 75 sheep. Then 80 goats, now 26. And it is half a league and 2 furlongs in length, and 3 furlongs in breadth, and renders in geld 18 pence. And 8 sokemen belong {pertinent) to this manor and they have i^ ploughs and always (had). Then and afterwards it was worth 6 pounds, now 12. (There is) i church (with) 15 acres and it is worth 15 pence. Hundret OF Wanelund [Wayland] Meretuna [Merton] was held by Ailid T.R.E. (as) 3 ploughlands and i virgate. Then and afterwards (there were) 17 villeins, now 6. Then and afterwards 3 bordars, now i. Then and afterwards 6 serfs, now none. Wood(Iand) for 240 swine ; 36 acres of meadow. Then as now 3 ploughs on the demesne. Then 4 ploughs belonging to the men, afterwards 2, now none. Then 5 rounceys, now 4. Then 1 8 beasts, now 22. Then as now 24 swine. Then 150 sheep, now 90. Then as now 29 sokemen (held) 2 ploughlands, with all custom except (the) 6 (forfeitures). Then (they had) 7 ploughs, afterwards (and) now 6. And in Grestuna [Griston] i sokeman (has) 20 acres. It was then worth 100 shillings, now 6 pounds, but it has rendered {reddidit) 8 pounds. The whole is 1 league in length and a half in breadth, and (renders) 1 5 pence of geld. Hundret of Screpham [Shropham] Wiliebeih [Wilby] was held by Ailid (as) I ploughland T.R.E. Now a soldier {solidariusf holds it. Then as now (there were) 2 villeins and 2 bordars. Then i serf; and 6 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 5 swine. Then as now I plough on the demesne and half a plough belonging to the men. Then as now I rouncey. Then 3 beasts, now 5. Now [ ] swine. Then 120 sheep, now 109. Then and after- wards it was worth 40 shillings, now 60. f. 25ab. Hundret of Lawedic [Launditch] Titeshala [Tittleshall] was held by Norman, a freeman, T.R.E., now Ralf Turmit holds (it as) 4 ploughlands. Then and afterwards (there were) 12 villeins, now 8. Then and afterwards 4 bordars, now 14. Then and afterwards 6 serfs, now 2 ; 10 acres of meadow. Then as now 2 ploughs on the demesne. Then and afterwards 4 ploughs belonging to the men, now 2 ; and wood(land) for 100 swine. Then as now I mill. Then 6 beasts. Then 30 swine, now 19. Then 100 sheep, now 80. Then 40 goats, now 73 ; and 4 hives of bees, and I sokeman (with) 6 acres. It was then worth 70 shillings, and now the same. And (there is) 1 church (with) 6 acres, and it is worth 5 pence. The whole is 9 furlongs in length, and half a league in breadth, and (renders) 5 pence of geld. Walnccham [Wellingham] is also held by Ralf where Harold held T.R.E., for a manor of 2 ploughlands. Then as now (there were) 9 villeins. Then 3 bordars, afterwards and now ' ' Solidarius ' usually implies a mercenary or paid soldier, possibly here it may mean a military pensioner. 175