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HOLDERS OF LANDS Now Humfrey {Humfridus) holds it. Then as now (there were) 7 villeins and 8 bordars and 2 serfs. Then 3 ploughs on the demesne, afterwards I, now 2. Then and afterwards 8 ploughs belonging to the men, now 5, and 3 ploughs could he added {fieri). Wood(land) for 1 2 swine, and i mill, and 6 acres of meadow. To this manor hzlongtA [Hie pertinchant)T.^.Y,. 6 sokemen (with) 48 acres. And Earl Ralf took them away [abstulit) and now Count Alan has them. Then as now (there was) i rouncey and 10 beasts, and 16 swine (and) 70 sheep. Now 4 hives of bees. Then as now it was worth 4 pounds. And it is I league in length and a half in breadth, and renders 8|^ pence (of geld) whoever holds there. The soke is in the king's (manor of) Folsa[m] [Foulsham]. HUNDRET OF HuMILIART [HuMBLEYARD] Walsincham [ ^] is held by Warin {Garinus) where Ketel, a thegn of Stigand, held T.R.E., for ij ploughlands. Then as now (there were) 2 villeins and 3 serfs ; and 2 ploughs on the demesne, and half a plough belonging to the men ; 4 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 12 swine. Then 4 rounceys. Then 4 beasts. Then 35 swine, now 20. Then 25 sheep, now 60 ; 2 hives of bees. And 13 freemen (held) 30 acres by fold-soke and commendation only T.R.E. Then (they had) I plough, afterwards (and) now a half; 2 acres of meadow. (There is) I church (with) 60 acres (included) in the valuation of the manor. In Carletuna [Carlton, (East)] the same Warin holds 75 acres, where Godric, a freeman of Kitel, held T.R.E. Then (there was) i , now nothing. (There and 9 freemen (holding) by fold-soke and commendation only. The king and the earl (have) the soke. And they have 33 acres. Then and afterwards (they had) 2 ploughs, now I, and 2 acres of meadow. And I freeman (holding) by commendation only (has) 24 acres. Then as now (he had) half a plough and 2 acres of meadow. Then and afterwards it [Walsincham] was worth 60 shillings, now no, and Carletuna [Carlton] is worth 20 shil- lings. And the freeman is worth 2 shillings, f. 254b. but he is included in {in numero de) the no shillings. And Walsincham [ ] is 6 furlongs in length and 5 in breadth, and (renders) 6f pence of geld. Meltuna [Melton, (Great)] is also held by [tenet idem) Warin {Garinus)^ where Ketel held T.R.E., (as) 2 ploughlands. Then as now (there were) 2 villeins, and 17 bordars, and 2 serfs, and 2 ploughs on the demesne. Then 5 ploughs belonging to the men, afterwards and now 4 : 20 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for ' In East Carleton. plough, afterwards are) 2^ bordars. 100 swine. Then as now I mill and 2 rounceys. Then 4 beasts, now 6. Then 30 swine, now 45. Then 60 sheep, now 114; 2 hives of bees. And (there are) 6 freemen with {de) 1 7 acres, by fold-soke T.R.E. ; and by commenda- tion only, then as now 77 acres. (There is) 1 church (with) 3 acres, (included) in the valua- tion of the manor. And (the freemen) are worth 2 shillings, and are (included) in the valuation of 7 pounds. Then and afterwards (the manor) was worth 6 pounds, now 7. And it is I league and 3 furlongs in length and half a league in breadth, and (renders) i6|- pence of geld, whoever holds there. Keterincham [Ketteringham] is also held by Warin, where Ketel held T.R.E., (as) I ploughlands. Then as now (there were) 3 bordars, and i|- ploughs on the demesne, and half a plough belonging to the men : 4 acres of meadow. Then as now i rouncey and 7 swine. Now 40 sheep. And 4 freemen (holding) by fold-soke and commendation only 15 acres, and half a plough, and i acre of meadow. It was then worth 30 shillings, afterwards 40, now 60. And the freemen are worth 2 shillings, and are included in the above valuation {eodem pretio). In Meltunana [Melton, (Great)] Warin also holds I freeman (with) 6 acres of meadow. And he is worth 6 pence. This R[anulf] Pevrel seized (invasit). Half Hundret of Hersa[m] [Earsham] RiUEssALA [Rushall] is held by Warin {JFarincm) where Henry held of St. Edmund, entirely within the church (omnino inter ea/esiam), T.R.E. for i^ ploughlands. Then as now (there were) 7 villeins and 3 bordars. Then as now 2 ploughs on the demesne, and I plough belonging to the men. Wood(land) for 40 swine, and 5 acres of meadow. Now I horse {equus) and 3 beasts. Then 50 swine, now 17. Then 19 sheep, now 18. Now 12 goats. f. 255- Then 3 hives of bees, now I. Then and afterwards it was worth 40 shillings, now 60. It is half a league in length and 5 (furlongs) in breadth, and (renders) 8 pence of geld. But more than one [plures) hold there. Ranulf now holds this land as a fief of the king {ad fMdum regis). XXXIII. THE LAND OF ROBERT GERNON {GRENONIS)' Hundret of Ensford [Eynesford] Sparham [Sparham] is held by Osbert, where Ulric, a freeman, held T.R.E., for a ' In margin / r- tion, p. 2. 177 '{fecit retornum) ; see Introduc- 23