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HOLDERS OF LANDS lings and still [semper] is. And it is half a league in length and 3 furlongs in breadth, and (renders) 3I pence in geld. From this manor have been taken away [ablati) 4 sokemen (with) 40 acres ; and W[illiam] de Warenne holds them. longing to the men, now a half. Then as now 2 rounceys and 15 beasts. Then 20 swine, now 5. Then 80 (sheep), now 14, (and) 6 goats. Then and afterwards it was worth 40 shillings, now 20. f. 203. XLI. THE LANDS OF RALF DE FELGERES ^ Dice [Diss] Half Hundret OsMUNDESTUNA [Osmondiston ^] was held [tenet] by Algar under Harold T.R.E. for half a ploughland. Then as now (there were) 2 vil- leins. Then as now 6 bordars. Then 2 serfs, now I. Then as now I plough on the demesne, but there might be [poisunt esse] 2. Then as now 2 ploughs belonging to the men. Wood- (land) for 10 swine, (and) 6 acres of meadow. Then as now (there was) i horse in the home- stead [aula], and 2 beasts, and 10 swine. And (there are) 4 freemen with [de] 40 acres of land. Then (they had) i^ ploughs, afterwards and now I, and 4 acres of meadow. It was then worth 40 shillings, afterwards 50, and (the same) now. It is 5 furlongs in length and 4 in breadth, and (renders) 2 pence of geld. XLII. THE LANDS OF GILBERT [GISLEBERTI], SON OF RICHER^ Hundret of Clakeslosa [Clackclose] MiDELHALE [Mildenhall ^] was held by Ailiet T.R.E. Then (there were) 2 ploughs, now i. Then as now 15 villeins and 5 bordars. Then 4 serfs, now 2. Then 2 ploughs belonging to the men, now i. Then i rouncey. Then 16 swine, now 8 and 2 beasts. Then as now 29 sheep and 10 acres of meadow. It was then worth 5 pounds, now 4. Half Hundret of Hersa[m] [Earsham] In Plestuna [Pirleston *] he also [idem] holds 24 acres of land, but they were in St. Edmund's f. 263b. manor [au/a]. And (there are) 12 freemen of St. Edmund, who could neither give nor sell their land without the leave of the saint, and of Stigand who had soke and sac in Ersam [Earsham]. The men have 60 acres, and 2 bordars. Then and afterwards (they had) 2 ploughs, now 1^. Then and afterwards it was worth 10 shillings, now 5. There also Roger [idem] holds 40 acres of land besides [adhuc], which St. Edmund held [tenet] T.R.E. (as) witness the hundret. Now Warenger holds it, but the hundret knows not how. In Sterestuna [Starston] he also [idem] holds 2 freemen [liberi homines], of Stigand T.R.E., belonging to [pertinentes in] Hersam [Earsham] ; whom Warengar holds under R[oger] de Ramis, with [de] 16 acres of land. Then as now (they had) I plough. Then and afterwards they were worth 4 shillings, now 32 pence. Hundret of Humiliart [Humbleyard] Rainiltorp [Rainthorpe*] was held by Alwin, a freeman, (as) 60 acres of land ; now William holds it. Then as now (there was) i plough, and 7 acres of meadow, and 2 mills and the fifth part of a mill. And 6 freemen (hold) 7 acres. Then as now (they had) half a plough. And I freeman by commendation (holds) 30 acres. Then (there were) 2 villeins, now I. Then as now half a plough, and I acre of meadow. It was then worth 30 shillings, now 43. XLIII. THE LANDS OF ROGER DE RAMIS Hundret of Wanelund [Wayland] Totintuna [Tottington], which Alwin, a freeman, held T.R.E., is held by Warenger [JVaregius] (as) 3 ploughlands. Then and after- wards (there were) 9 villeins, now 7. Then I bordar. Then and afterwards 2 serfs, now none; 12 acres of meadow. Then and after- wards (there was) I plough on the demesne, now 1^. Then and afterwards 2 ploughs be- ' In margin/"; see note ' p. 1 84. ' Now Scole. ^ In margin K;V/4' = 'no return' ; see Introduction, p. 2.

  • In Cambridge, iiut formerly partly in Norfollc ;

R}-e, Norf. Topog. 2 1 4. 2 I XLIIIL THE LAND OF JUIKEL THE PRIEST Hundret of Humiliart [Humbleyard] In Hethella [Hethel] Alger held half a ploughland by commendation only T.R.E., under Edric the predecessor of Robert Malet. Then as now (there were) 2 villeins and 2 bor- dars, and I plough on the demesne, and half a plough belonging to the men, (and) 3 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 4 swine. It was then worth 20 shillings, now 30. ' Now Billingford. ' In Newton-Flotman ; Blomefield, v, 65. ' In margin f=fccil [retornum) ; see Introduction, p. 2. 85 24