Page:VCH Norfolk 2.djvu/233

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HOLDERS OF LANDS In Wella [Upwell] 6 freemen held 2 plough- lands and 15 acres. Then as now (they had) 2 ploughs and 9 bordars. They are worth 26 shillings and 8 pence. And 3 of them were commended to Hermer's predecessor. And all of these were seized (occupavit) by Wihenoc. [Freebridge Hundret and a Half] In Weswenic [West Winch] Wihenoc added (to his manor) I freeman with {de) 30 acres. Then as now (he had) 4 villeins (and) 6 acres of meadow. He is worth 5 shillings. [Clackclose Hundret] Herluin, Ivo's man, has seized (invasit) 1 freeman in Phincha[m] [Fincham], with {de) 15 acres. And he is worth 16 pence. Also (Et) ij acres which Mainard seized {invasit), and it is worth g pence. [South Greenhoe Hundret] In PiCHENHAM [Pickenham] (there was) i freeman (with) id acres. Wihenoc seized this, and it is worth 20 pence. [Clackclose Hundret] In Fordham' the Abbot of Ely holds of St. Etheldreda^ 30 acres 'which a freeman (for- merly) held.' Then as now (there were) 3 bordars, and half a plough. It is worth 4 shil- lings. Of this he had nothing but the commen- dation. In RiSTONA [Ryston] (there are) 3 freemen (with) 6 acres. They are worth 16 pence. In this he had nothing but the com- mendation, and St. Benet (of Ramsey) the soke. Hundret and a Half of Fredebruge [Freebridge] In Lena [Lynn] (there is) i freeman * (with) 13 acres and I saltpan. He is worth 4 shillings. 'The abbot of Ely held this, and it was in Stigand's soke.' In Ilsinghatuna [Islington] William de Scohies held 2 freemen with (de) 6 acres. They are worth 12 pence. f. 276b. Scerepha[m] [Shropham] Hundret In Culvercestona [Kilverstone] i freeman by commendation only (holds) 1 1 acres. He is worth 8 pence. Walter de Caen {Gadomo) holds this of Robert (Malet). ' Cf. Ini}. Elien. (Hamilton), p. 137. ' Inq. Elien. inserts ' one sokeman with.' ' Inq. Elien. omits.

  • Inq. Elien. ' sokeman.'

Inq. Elien. (p. 131), 'over this land Stigand had the so ice.' [Freebridge Hundret and a Half] In Lesiet [Leziate] Robert Malet held 2 freemen (with) 60 acres, (and) 4 acres of meadow. Then (they had) i plough, i bordar, (and) I mill. They are worth 5 shillings. Of these Roger Bigot's predecessor had only the commendation. [Diss Half Hundret] In Gessinga [Gissing] Drogo, Robert Malet's man, has seized {invasit) 10 acres of the de- mesne land of St. Edmund, and it is worth 20 pence. In Frietuna [Fritton] (there is) 1 freeman of King Edward with {de) 15 acres whom William Malet held. R[obert] (Malet) lately held him {modo tenehat). And because he has now at length acknowledged {tandem cognovit) that (the man) is not of his father's fief {feudo) he has made him over {dimisit) into the king's hand(s). And he has half a plough and 2 bordars. He is worth 40 pence. William the Fat {Grossus) held of Robert, in Feruessella [Fersfield], i freeman of Alsi by commendation, with 4 acres, whom W[illiam] Malet held on the day on which he was alive and dead. And Walter {Galterus) now holds him of R[obert]. But Robert Malet replies {contradicit) that he did not know (it) until the day on which he was entered on the return {in- hreviatus). He then ploughed with 2 oxen, now with I. He is worth 8 pence. In Dice [Diss] (there is) I ° freeman (with) 5 acres of the demesne of the manor whom W[illiam] Malet held : but he did not belong {pertinuit) to his fief {feudum). As before {eodem modo) (Robert) asserts {offert) that he did not know. (He has) 2 oxen (and) is worth lo pence. [South Greenhoe Hundret] Germund, Walter Gifart's man, has seized {invasit) 4 acres of Suafha[m] [SwafFham], Count Alan's manor. William de Warenne holds half a ploughland in Bradeham [Bradenham] which Godric held. Then as now (there were) 5 villeins and 2 bordars and I serf ; I plough on the demesne, I plough belonging to the men, and 2 freemen holding land (ploughed by) 2 oxen. (There is) wood(land) for 20 swine (and) 4 acres of meadow. It was then worth 10 shillings and now the same {similiter), but William's men say that he has had {habuit) nothing from it. This land was held by W[illiam] before [Ralf] suffered forfeiture {forisfaceret): but, as the hundret testifies, R[alf] held it when he suffered forfeiture {forisfecit), and afterwards R[obert] Blund (held it) at farm from the king. And Godric (answered for it) in the king's treasury, in his return {in thesauro Regis in hrevi sua) at {pj-o) 20 shillings, and afterwards it Substituted for ' 5.' 199