Page:VCH Rutland 1.djvu/77

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INSECTS surface of the county, absence of marshy districts or moorlands, and want of unusual food-plants, must account for the fact that but few uncommon specimens have been found. Among the Rhopalocera (Butterflies) there are few which are not of widespread occurrence. Colias edusa (Clouded Yellow) is very rare in Rutland, but was taken as recently as 1900, and has been taken at long intervals during the last fifty years. Argynnis paphia (Silver-washed Fritillary), common in Northamptonshire, is not so often met with in Rutland, but it and A. selene (Small Pearl-bordered) and A. euphrosyne (Pearl-bordered) have been taken in Wardley Wood, the two last more frequently. Vanessa c-album has been taken fairly recently and was caught in Wardley and Uppingham by Dr. W. Bell and Mr. Burton fifty years ago. Vanessa polychloros has not recently been seen, but was taken in 1889 by Mr. Rossiter. Vanessa cardui was also caught by Mr. Rossiter, but has been taken as recently as 1906, though it is very uncommon in Rutland, 1897, 1899, 1902. Apatura iris (Purple Emperor) was caught by both Dr. W. Bell and Mr. Burton, and was recorded in 1905. Erebia aethiops (Northern Brown), recorded by Mr. Burton, is very rare and has not been observed by any other naturalist. Thecla pruni (Black Hair- streak), which is found in the neighbouring county of Northampton, is not recorded in Rutland, but quercus, rubi, and w-album have all been taken recently. The last-named — the White-letter Hairstreak — was found in great abundance on an elm near Beaumont Chase in 1900 and 1 90 1, but has this year disappeared from that spot, though a specimen has been found in Wardley Wood. Lycaena corydon (Chalk-hill Blue) was taken about fifteen years ago by Mr. Rossiter, and again in 1906 by the Rev. A. G. S. Raynor. Syrichthus malvae (Grizzled Skipper) is found not infrequently in places. Cyclopides patiiscus (Chequered Skipper) has been taken in Wardley Wood. Of the Heterocera (moths) the rarest are: — Acherontia atropos (Death's Head Hawk), not found since i860, and Sphinx convohuli (Convolvulus Hawk), also unrecorded since that date, Spilosoma fuliginosa (Ruby Tiger), Cirrhoedia xerampelina (Centre-barred Sallow), Anarta myrtilU (Beautiful Yellow Underwing), Em?nelesia decolorata (Sandy Carpet), Amphidasis prodromaria (Oak Beauty). RHOPALOCERA Pieris brassicae, L. — rapae, L. — napi, L. Euchloe cardamines, L. Leucophasia sinapis, L. Colias edusa, L. — hyale, L. Gonopteryx rhamni, L. Argynnis paphia, L. — adippe, L. — selene, SchifF. — euphrosyne, L. Vanessa c-album, L. I RHOPALOCERA [continued) Vanessa urticae, L. — polychloros, L. — io, L. — atalanta, L. — cardui, L. Apatura iris, L. Melanargia galatca, L. Erebia aethiops, Esp. Pararge aegeria, L. — megaera, L. Satyrus semele, L. Epinephile janira, L. — tithonus, L. 41