Page:VCH Staffordshire 1.djvu/103

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BOTANY elegans, C. endivtefolia, or the elegant fronds of Drapardnaldia plumosa, the tufts of sphagnum rich gatherings of Desmids. The hoof holes formed in the marshy heathland are usually rich in Micrasterias, Euastrum and Straurastrum, and in some of the clear pools the beautiful Vohox globata may be found in abundance. On wet rocks in the Dove dale Glceocystis botryoides, Nostoc pruniforme and Chroolepus aureus have been found, and in the Dove and other rapid streams of that district the gelatinous masses of Batrachospermum moniliforme and B. atrum are sometimes abundant. The following list of freshwater algas has been compiled partly from Garner's Natural History of Staffordshire, from the Proceedings of the Birmingham Natural History Society and from the writer's observations. Ord. I. COCCOPHTCE&. I. PALMELLACE^: Pleurococcus vulgaris, Menegh Gleocystis botryoides, Kutz Palmella hyalina, Breb. Porphyridium cruentum, Nag. Botrydina vulgaris, Breb. Tetraspora bullosa, Ag. lubrica, Ag. Botryococcus Braunii, Kutz Apiocystis Brauniana, Nag. II. PROTOCOCCACE^: Protococcos viridis, Cohn Scenedesmusquadricaudatus, Br6b. Pediastrum angulosum, Ehr. Boryanum, Turp. III. VOLVOCINE^E Chlamydococcus pluvialis, A. Braun Volvox globator, L. Pandorinum morum, Ehr. Gonium pectorale, Mtill. Ord. II. ZTGOPHTCE& IV. DESMIDIE^ Desmidium Swartzii, Ktitz Closterium lunula, Mull. Dianas, Ehr. juncidum, Ralfs. rostratum, Ehr. Penium digitus (Ehr.), Ralfs. Tetmemorus Brebissonii, Ralfs. Micrasterias rotata, Ralfs. denticulata, Br6b. truncata, Corda papillifera, Breb. Euastrum verrucosum, Ehr. - oblongum, Ehr. - didelta, Turp. insigne, Hass. elegans, Ehr. Cosmarium pyramidatum, Bre'b. Cosmarium Meneghinii, Ralfs. undulatum, Cor. Brebissonii, Meneg. botrytis, Bory. biretum, Breb. Xanthidium cristatum, Ralfs. Arthrodesmus incus, Breb. Straurastrum dejectum, Ralfs. polymorphum, Br6b. orbiculare, Ralfs. - punctulatum, Breb. - hirsutum V. ZYGNEMACE/E Zygnema cruciata, Vauch. Spirogyra nitida, Dillwyn condensata, Vauch. flavescens (Hass.), Cleve. longata, Vauch. porticalis v. quinina, Ag. Zygogonium ericetorum v. terrestris, De Bary Mesocarpus scalaris, Hass. Ord. III. SIPHOPHTCE& VI. BOTRYDIACE^: Botrydium granulatum, L. VII. VAUCHERIACE^: Vaucheria Dillwynii, Ag. terrestris, Lyngb. sessilis, Vauch. geminata, Vauch. Ord. IV. NEMATOPHTCE& VIII. ULVACE^E Prasiola crispa, Kutz Enteromorpha intestinalis, Link. IX. CONFERVACE^: Conferva bombycina, Ag. Cladophora crispata, Roth. glomerata, L. (Dillw.) 69