Page:VCH Staffordshire 1.djvu/210

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A HISTORY OF STAFFORDSHIRE rubbed down on the inner surface to about half the natural thickness. Part of an arrow-point and several pieces of cut bone were found near the skeleton. 1 8. Cist interment at Lumberlow, near Waterhouses. The cist con- tained the skeleton of a fully-grown young person, a good spear-head of mottled grey flint, and a highly polished flint implement of uncertain use. Above it were numerous pebbles, the leg-bone of a large dog, and a little charcoal. 19. ' Druid Barrow,' called Farlow, near Caldon. This contained the skeleton of a young person laid upon the ribs of an ox or other large animal placed transversely to the human bones, at regular intervals side by side. The barrow also contained the skeleton of a young person in a rock grave, accompanied by an ornamented vase 5 in. high, perhaps a ' drink- ing cup.' Part of a large urn, the upper portion of which was ornamented with cheverons, had been found at an earlier period, and was broken up into fragments in order that each bystander might possess a me- mento of the discovery. 20. Swinscoe. An im- portant elliptical or long bar- row, called Top Low, measur- ing 45 ft. long by 21 ft. wide, was found, on examination, to contain evidences of no less than fourteen interments. The barrow is believed to have been originally circular, and to have assumed an elliptical shape in consequence of subsequent addi- tions. The following are brief particulars of the various burials in this barrow, which are also indicated on the accompanying plan : 1. Skeleton of a young person in a contracted posture in a shallow grave, cut about six inches deep in the chert rock, having a stone placed on edge at each end. With it were a three-cornered piece of flint and a small bronze clasp which had been riveted to a strap. 2. Skeleton of young adult, with an upright stone at the head, and a round-ended flint near the feet. PLAN OF INTERMENTS IN BARROW AT TOP Low, SWINSCOE 174