Page:VCH Staffordshire 1.djvu/212

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A HISTORY OF STAFFORDSHIRE Traces were also found of a later interment consisting of parts of an unburnt skeleton, a small iron ring, and the bottom of a kiln-baked vessel of blue clay turned on the potter's wheel. 25. Stanshope. In a barrow here four different interments were dis- covered, viz. : 1. Two deposits of calcined bones. 2. Calcined bones, two flint implements, and two bone needles. 3. Two skeletons buried in a kind of cist, and 4. A very large and coarse sepulchral urn inverted over a deposit of burnt bones. The first and second interments had been made in natural clefts of rock. 26. Wetton. In 1849 a very large cist was found in a barrow at Long Low, near Wetton, the stone-paved floor of which was covered from end to end with remains of human beings, bones of the ox, hog, deer, and dog, also three very finely chipped arrow-heads and many other pieces of calcined flint. The discovery was one of unusual interest and importance, and there was evidence that the remains discovered represented at least thirteen human beings, some being women. The barrow evidently belonged to a period anterior to the discovery of metal, and may be regarded as a typical Neolithic sepulchral mound. 27. Ecton. A barrow on Ecton Hill was opened and found to contain a deposit of burnt bones placed in a large urn, with a projecting border ornamented with diagonal lines. 28. Musden. Fourth barrow. This was found to contain twelve interments. 29. Caldon Hill. A third barrow opened here contained a broken, slightly ornamented cinerary urn and some burnt bones, beneath which was a small hole in the rock filled with charcoal. One arrow-head and some flint chippings were found in the barrow. 30. In a barrow on Calton Moor were found a cist with double walls of stones set on edge covered over by two larger slabs and inclosing a deposit of calcined bones accompanied by two burnt flint implements. 3 i . Mayfield Low, Mayfield. This was a flat barrow, 1 8 yds. in diameter, containing a stone cist in which an urn was found. 32. Castern. In a barrow situated between Bitchin Hill and Castern, I 8 yds. in diameter, were found (i) the decayed skeleton of a young person, (2) a large skeleton lying on its left side in a contracted posture, at the bottom of an oval grave, (3) quite near the skeleton a highly polished stud of jet with two oblique holes meeting at an angle behind, (4) a small piece of calcined flint, (5) many rats' bones, and (6) the remains of a young person. 33. Grindon. In the hamlet of Deepdale a barrow was opened con- taining the skeleton of a young person, some bones of a child, and broken pieces of a drinking cup. 34. Throwley. Barrow containing large sepulchral urn with the mouth uppermost, in which were found a double-edged axe of basaltic stone, bronze awl, and bone pins, &c. 35. Blore. Barrow called Lady Low containing deposit of calcined bones, arrow-head of flint, bone pin, and fragments of very thin bronze ; 176