Page:VCH Staffordshire 1.djvu/411

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ANCIENT EARTHWORKS HOMESTEAD MOATS (CLASS F) -continued Ordnance Number Parish Name Form Dimensions (Outside Measurement) Alti- tude Situation, Notes, &c. XXIV, 3 Stone . . . Moat Farm, Hartwell Part of square ; wet 300 ft. by 260 ft. Ft. 609 On road from Bar- laston, near junction with Longton and Stone Road XXX, 2

Priory Farm Rectangular ; frag- ments ; wet 1 80 ft. by looft. j . 294 Near road between Eccleshall and Stone, and near junction with Stafford Road XXX, 7

Aston Hall . Rectangular ; dry ; hall within site ; form much modi- Indefinite outline 4loft. by 360 ft. 300 At Aston Hall, on road between Stone and Stafford fied XXXVIII, 6 Stowe Hixon . . Fragmentary ; rect- angular ; wet 1 60 ft. by 1 80 ft. 328 On road from Staf- ford to Uttoxeter, at junction of road to Weston XXXVIII, i Drointon Rectangular ; dry 330 ft. by 280 ft. 398 At Drointon 3 XXXVIII, 3

Square ; partly wet 1 20 ft. by 125 ft. 395 ij miles on road from Stowe to Ut- toxeter XLVII, i Tatenhill . Sherholt Lodge Two sides of a square ; wet 1 80 ft. & 170 ft. 292 South of road from Yoxall to Burton-on- Trent SECTIONS A.B. C-D, THORNTREE HOUSE, UTTOXETER 367