Page:VCH Suffolk 1.djvu/137

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MOLLUSCS I. PULMONATA {cont.) a. Stylommatophora {cont.) Ena obscura (Mali.). Not common : locally and widely distributed Cochlicopa luhrica (Mull.). Common Azeca tridens (Pult.). Friston ; plentiful in the Mendlesham district ; Wickham Skeith ; Thwaite CaeciUoides [= Caecilianella] acicula (MolL). Mendlesham; Aldeburgh; Ipswich; Old Newton ; Ixworth Thorpe "Jaminia [ = Pupd cyl'tndracea' Local, but (DaC). [ widely dis- — muscorum (Linn.). ) tributed — triplkata (Stud.). Brandon ; Barton Mills Fertigo minutissima (Hartm.). One specimen on the wall of Burgh Castle, Gt. Yar- mouth — antivertigo (Drap.). Rare : near Lake Lothing ; Lowestoft ; Brandon; Milden- hall; Needham Market; Knettishall — substriata (Jeff.). Thornham ; Hopton — pyg^oea (Drap.). Haughley; Tudden- ham ; Herringswell ; Lowestoft ; Men- dlesham ; Wetheringsett — Moulimiana (Dupuy). Rejectamenta of Little Ouse at Knettishall — /i«j/7/a. Mull. Near Woodbridge; Thwaite — angustior, Jeff. Aldeburgh Balea perversa (Linn.). Rare : Walsham-le- Willows ; Mendlesham ; Wickham Skeith Clausilia laminata (Mont.). Rare : Haughley ; Hitcham ; Mendlesham — bidentata (Strom). Common : a white variety was also found at Gislingham Succinea putris (Linn.). — e/eganSy Risso, Fairly common b. Basommatophora Carychium minimum, MuU. Very common Phytia [= Alexia] myosotis (Drap.). Coast from Dunwich to Southwold Ancylus Jiuviatilis, Miill. Rare : Brandon; Mildenhall ; Bramford ; Needham Market Acroloxus [ = Felletia'] lacustris (Linn.), Rare : Gt. Fakenham ; Knettishall (dead shells); Sudbury; Mendlesham; Ips- wich Limnaea auricularia (Linn.). Local — pereger (Mull.). Common everywhere — palustris (MulL). Local — truncatula (Moll.). Fairly common I. PULMONATA {cont.) b. Basommatophora {cont.) Limnaea stagnalis (Linn.). Common — g/abra (Mull.). ' Suffolk ' (Leach) Amphipeplea glutinosa (Mull.). Mildenhall ; two specimens at Needham Market Planorbis corneus (Linn.). ] Local, but widely — a/bus, (Mall.). J distributed — crista [ = nauti/eus'] (Linn,). Rare : Men- dlesham — carinatus, Mall. Local, but widely d i s t r i- buted Very local, but widely — umhilicatus, Mull. [ ginatus, Drap.]. — vortex (Linn.). — spirorbis (Linn.). — contortus (Linn.). — fontanus (Lightf.). distributed Segmentina nitida (MuU.) [= Planorbis lineatus (Walker)]. Rare : Mildenhall ; Need- ham Market Physa fontinalis (Linn.). Local, but widely distributed Aplecta [ = Physa] hypnorum (Linn.). More local, but also widely distributed IL PROSOBRANCHIA Paludestrina confusa (Frau.). Oulton Broad ; Blythburgh — Jenkinsi (Smith). Oulton Broad ; Wal- berswick ; Aldeburgh ; River Orwell — ventrosa {M.on.^. Aldeburgh; Southwold; Woodbridge; Lowestoft; Breydon — stagnalis (Bast.). Woodbridge and estu- aries all down the coast Bithynia tentaculata (Linn.). Common — Leachii (Shepp.). Local, but widely dis- tributed Vivipara vivipara (Linn.). Near Oulton Broad ; Ipswich ; Bramford — contecta (Millet). Oulton Broad; several localities in West Suffolk Valvata piscinalis (Mull.). Widely distributed — cristata, Mall. Very common Assemania Grayana, Leach. Blythburgh ; Aldeburgh; River Orwell Pomatias elegans (Mall.). Lavenham ; Sud- bury ; Bramford Acicula lineata (Drap.). IpswiCh ; Sudbury ; Oulton Neritina fiuviatilis (Linn.). Rare : Brandon; Mildenhall; Bramford 99