Page:VCH Suffolk 1.djvu/169

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INSECTS 0. upsilon is not common, though widespread. Anchocelh lunosa and Xanth'ia aurago are uncommon at respectively light and ivy blossom ; but X, gilvago and cttrago are of frequent occurrence, and X. ocellarii has of late been taken at Ipswich, Copdock, Waldringfield, and Bungay. At light Cirrhoedia xerampelina is sometimes taken, usually singly, from Ipswich to Bsccles ; and both the Tethtae have been found, though T. retusa is still very rare, occurring only at Ipswich and Bungay. Dlcycla 00 rests upon the single specimen taken at Tuddenham by Wratisiaw a good many years ago ; and Cosmia pyralina continues to be one of the possibly obtainable rarities. Widely distributed but certainly rare is Eremobla ochrokuca ; and only quite recently has Dlanthaecia compersa been found in the county at Bungay, Kessingland, Oulton Broad, and Ipswich. One of our most exclusive species is D. irregularis, which was rediscovered as British by Rev. A. H. Wratisiaw at Tuddenham; this species is nearly confined, in Britain, to the Breck district of Suffolk, whence it has found its way into most cabinets from the local collectors, who capture great numbers of its caterpillars ; it has also occurred at Elveden, Brandon, Eriswell, and Icklingham in the same district, and is often netted at dusk flying to the flowers of the Spanish Campion {Selene otites). Aplecta occulta is only recorded from the Bentley Woods and Beccles, and Hadena adusta, contigua, and geniitae are local ; H. iuasa occurs at Brandon and about Aldeburgh, and the rare H. atriplicis singly at Brandon, Playford, and Stowmarkct. Calocampa exoleta and vetusta are both rather rare in the county, where Xylina semihrunnea has only occurred at Newmarket and Stowmarket. In 1895 the Rev. J. H. Hocking took at Copdock the third or fourth British specimen of X. lambda, var. zitiienii,* and Cucullia scrophulariae is also very rare at Lakcnheath and in the Bury district. C. lychnitis has only been found at Woolpit and Beccles, C, asteris at Aldeburgh, C. absynthii at Erwarton and Orford, and C. chamomillae at Southwold, Stowmarkct, Needham, Ipswich, and Tuddenham. The interesting genus Heliothis is well represented in the Breck district, where H. marginata and H. dipsacea are not uncommon, though H. peltigera and H. artnigera are very rare at Brandon ; the former also at Lowestoft and the latter at Needham Market. Acontia luctuosa, Hydrellia unca, and Agrophila iulphuralis are not infrequent in the Breck district, where the latter was first discovered in Britain, and it is still hardly found anywhere else, though it is said to have occurred in plenty in Shrubland Park. Eraslia fuscula and Brephos notha are very widely distributed, but local ; Plmia orichalcia, so much sought after in Cambridgeshire, has only been found at Middleton once, in 1857 ; Toxocampa pastinum is local but not rare. The beautiful Catocala fraxini has occurred in various places — Lowestoft, Aldeburgh, and Ipswich — and in August 1901 Mr. J. F. Green took a perfect specimen in Benacre Park ;' C. promissa is extremely rare about Bentley, and C. sponsa has probably become extinct, though recorded from the same locality. Ophiodes lunaris is recorded * from the Lowestoft lighthouse in 1832, the example being in Captain Chawner's collection. The last Noctua worthy of mention is Phytometra aenea, which is very local at Tuddenham, Herring- fleet, &c. So many of the Geometrae are common that it is only necessary in this family to note that Ellopia fasciaria, Silene lunaria, S. illustraria, and Ennomos erosaria, though local, are widely distributed ; and that E. fuscantaria is unusually abundant annually at light. Cleora viduaria is only of doubtful occurrence, as also are Boarmia roboraria and consortaria, recorded from Bentley, though none of the British Tephrosiae are uncommon. T. consonaria has been found only at Stowmarket and Bentley. Ephyra orbicularia was once taken at Lowestoft, and Hyria auroraria is only found in the Fens at Oulton and Tuddenham. Several nice Acidaliae have turned up here ; thus A. perochraria at Aldeburgh, A. trigemminata common at Bentley, Hemley, &c., A. rusticata singly at Stowmarket and Felixstowe, A. emutata and A. inornata very local, A. ornata at Brandeston, Tuddenham, and Southwold, and above all A. ruhricata, a species nearly confined to Suffolk, but occurring in the west at Brandon, Thetford, and Tuddenham, and in the east at Leiston, South- wold, and Aldeburgh. Aleucis pictaria was added to our list by Mr. Hocking in April 1898, and Minoa euphorbiata is very rare at Stowmarket and Needham. The pretty Fidonia compicuata used to be quite common about Ipswich half a century ago, but it has only been thrice noticed during the last fifteen years, and may now be extinct ; and Sterrha sacraria has only once put in an appearance, in 1863. Aldeburgh is the only known home of Pachycnemia hippocastanaria, which was taken there by Wratisiaw. All the Hybernidae are common, but Cheimatobia boreata was first noticed, though it is common, in 1897. Several nice Pugs, such as Eupithaecia succentureata, plumbeolata, albipunctata, valerianata, dodoneata, and togata occur here, the last at Brandon and Southwold ; though others, e.g. E. comignata, exiguata, coronata, and debiliata are very rare ; and E. pusillata, with E. innotata, have only recently been added to the list. Thera juntperata has occurred among juniper at Dalham, Hypiipetes ruberata at Bury and Ipswich, Melanippe hastata commonly at Bentley ; but M. galiata, probably owing to our small outcrop of chalk, is very rare indeed, having been taken singly only at Bentley and Chelmondiston. Anticlea rubidata and

  • Cf. Ent. Mo. Mag. 1895, p. 279. » Cf. Knowledge, 1901, p. 231. ' Entom. 1872, p. 14.7.