Page:VCH Suffolk 1.djvu/187

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INSECTS which numbers may be taken to very fairly represent the fauna of the county, though especial attention to these groups would doubtless reveal many more ; and indeed I am already able to add:— Asopus punctatus. Beaten from rose, Tuddenham Fen, Aug. 1905, by E. A. Elliott, F.Z.S. Sehirus morio Found in sand at Brandon, May and June, by A. J. Chitty, M.A., and myself Gerris argentata. Oulton and Bantby Broads, early Apr. 1903, by E. C. Bedwell, F.E.S Phytocoris Reuteri. I beat one from white poplar at Brandon, in Aug. 1906 Systellonotus triguttatus. At Brandon, in Aug. 1 906, by E. A. Elliott and myself Corixa venusta. Four specimens in a 'swamp at Bix/ej Decoy, Foxha/l, in Mar. 1897 Ebumia forcipata. I swept this in an alder carr at Reydon early in June 1905 Idiocerus varius. Beaten from trees at Brandon, in the middle of Aug. 1906 Allygus modestus. One swept from manh plants in Tuddenham Fen, in autumn of 1906 Deltocephalus socialis. Captured at Brandon and Tuddenham Fen, in Aug. 1905 Deltocephalus formosus. A new British species, which I swept at Brandon, Aug. 1906 Limotettix stactogala. Found commonly on tamarisk at Southwold, Sept. 1907 Cicadula metria. Swept from reeds near Brandon Stanch in the early autumn of 1906 Dicraneura similis. Two specimens were swept in Tuddenham Fen, in Aug. 1905 Aphalara nervosa . One only, taken on ragwort in my garden. Monk Soham House, 1907 A Summary of the Insects of Suffolk, October 1907 CoLEOPTERA : — Suffolk Adephaga 277 Palpicomia 74 Brachelytra 441 Clavicomia 34.3 S8 35 56 34 32 Lamellicomia Stemoxi Malacoderma Teredilia Longicomia Phytophaga 187 Heteromera 73 Rhynchophora . . . . 320 Total . . 1,930 Hemiptira : — Heteroptera 287 Homoptera 171 Aphididae 66 Other Groups 13 Total . . 537 Orthoptera Grand Total Britain 44+ 95 777 681 90 76 9«  57 57 256 118 526 3TI68 43«  3z«  182 c. 299" 1.233 Neuroptera : — Thysanura .... Pseudo-neuroptera Odonata .... Subnecromorphotica . Trichoptera . . Total Lepidoptera Hymenoptera : — Chrsyididae Aculeata Evaniidae . Ichneumonidae Braconidae . Proctotrypidae Chalcididae Cynipidae . Tenthredinidae Total 53 DiPTERA . . • Suffolk, 6,355. Britain Suffolk Britaia 10 60 40 III 20 32 4* 56 62 164. 174 ,443 1,290 <

. 2,100

12 21 295 3 455 «37 380 8 1,688 596 74 36 38 373 1,408" 180" 191 c. 350" 1,241 5,004 1,171 2,577' 14,678 " This is Dale's computation, and is probably much too low ; he says, Thripsidae, 46 ; Coccidae, 1 8 (cf Newstead) ; Aleyrodidae, i o ; Pediculidae, 1 4 ; and Philopteridae, 211. " Wallter, Haliday, and Westwood are stated to have described 1,274 ^Y Kirchner {Cat. Hym. Eurofi.) ; I have found the above total to be correct by the closest scrutiny. " Marshall says (Ent. Ann. 1874) that he has trebled Curtis's number — 56 ; there is no British list, and the above total is that of the species described by Cameron, 1893. " We cannot tell the total till Rev. F. D. Morice has completed his present work on this family {Ent. Mo. Mag. 1903 et seq.). ™ Excluding all the doubtfully British species in Mr. Verrall's List. — C. M 149