Page:VCH Suffolk 1.djvu/329

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EARLY MAN Thurston. — Six annular and two pennanular bronze bracelets e igraved with diagonal and curved lines. Now in possession of the Mr. W. C. Wells. Troston Heath. — Bronze-Age ' food-vessel,* now in the British Museum. TuDDENHAM. — Bronze-Age ' drinking cup,' now in the British Museum. Bronze-Age implements in the Museum of Archaeology at Cambridge. Ubbeston. — Bronze palstaves, with vertical ribs on blades [Evans, Bronze Imp. 93]. Undley. — See Lakenheath. Waldringfikld. — Uninscribed gold British coin [Evans, Coins, 60]. Small lanceolate bronze object, possibly a javelin-head ; now in the possession of Mr. W. C. Wells. Wangford. — Silver coin of the Iceni, bearing the representation of an animal resembling a boar [Evans, Coins, 398]. Westhall. — A hoard containing several important Early Iron-Age antiquities found here (and now in the British Museum), including bronze bridle ornaments and other objects ; also bronze lamp, mirror, embossed plates, fragments of bowl and cylindrical vessel, Roman coin, flint pebble, and fragments of Samian ware and flue-tiles. Westley. — Bronze-Age cinerary urn, now in Bury St. Edmunds Museum. Wetheringsett. — Leaf-shaped Bronze- Age sword found 14 ft. deep in clay. There is a long slot in the hilt-plate [Evans, Bronze Imp. 274, 282]. Wissett. — Bronze celt ^Arch. Inst. Norw. vol. (1847) xxiv]. Woolpit. — Socketed spear-head, or lance-head [Evans, Bronze Imp. 328]. Clay amulets (prehis- toric ?) in Bury St. Edmunds Museum. Bronze sword-blade [Arch. Inst. Norw. vol. (1847) xxvi]. Worungton. — Bronze-Age ' drinking cup,' now in the British Museum. 277