Page:VCH Suffolk 1.djvu/550

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A HISTORY OF SUFFOLK commendation. Then as now half a plough. And I bordar. And an acre of meadow. And a church with 6 acres. It was worth ^od. The King and the Earl (have) the soke. In the same vill 4^ freemen held 40 acres. Then as now i plough. 2 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 6 swine. Worth I2s. The King and the Earl (have) the soke. In Opituna [ j ^ Bond a freeman held 60 acres as a manor, over whom Toli had commendation. Then 3 bordars, now none. Then i plough on the demesne. And half a plough belonging to the men, now I plough. And 2 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 2 swine. Then as now it was worth 16;. The King and the Earl (have) the soke. And half a church with 4 acres and half an acre (of meadow), worth 3/^. In FoRLEi [Fordley *»] 1 5 freemen held 1 1 5 acres of land. And of these 15 Norman had commendation over 13. And over 2 the predecessor of Robert Malet had half com- mendation, and Norman half. Half a bordar. Then as now 4^ ploughs. 2 acres of meadow. Then as now it was worth 24.S. The King and the Earl (have) the soke. In MiDELTUNA [Middleton] Liuric the dea- con, a half freeman, held 3 acres, over whom Toli the Sheriff had a moiety of the commenda- tion. Worth i2d. The King and the Earl (have) the soke. In MiLSEMERE [Minsmer] (were) 4 freemen with 45 acres. But 3 were under commenda- tion to Norman and the fourth under com- mendation to one himself under commendation to Norman. Then as now i plough. Worth 13J. and 4d. The King and the Earl (have) the soke. In Cnotesheale [Knoddishall] (was) a free- man with 30 acres, Boti by name ; he was King Edward's man ; then as now i plough. Worth 8f. And Robert Malet has soke, and fol. 334*. William Malet was seised on the day of his death. In FoRLEi [Fordley] (are) 20 acres which belong to Chylesheala [Kelsale] and are included in the same valuation. And in SryKELANnK [Stickland] "" (are) 9 acres which belong to the same (vill). In Diresham [Darsham] Ansketil the priest holds I carucate of land which did belong (fuit) to 7 freemen. Of these 7 men i was Toll's " See above, n. 62. *' In Middleton. " In Yoxford ; see Ca/. of Chart, in B.M. man. Then 2 bordars, now 11. Then half a plough on the demesne, now i plough. And then as now 2 ploughs belonging to the men. Leuric Cobbe, over whom Agelward the King's reeve had a moiety of the commendation. And Turketel, over whom the said Agelward had half commendation. And Alnoth, Norman the Sheriff's man. And Brumanbeard, half Norman's and half Brimer's man. And Wluric the dea- con, the man of Godwin son of Algar. And Hosmund, Edric of Laxfield's man. And (there are) 16 acres and i rood which Alviva a freewoman held T.R.E. over whom Norman had commendation. And 24 acres less I rood which Blakeman held T.R.E., and the said Blakeman was Edric of Laxfield's man ; and William Malet was seised on the day of his death. And all this Ansketil Roger Bigot's chaplain holds. Worth 2 5 J. And of this land Robert Malet claims 6 acres, which a certain man of his gave with his daughter whom a man of Roger Bigot's married in King William's time. And Alnoth holds 24 acres in the manor of Kireshala [Kelsale]. Worth 55., and they are included in the same valuation. The King and the Earl (have) the soke. Stikelande [Stickland ""J Suartling a free- man held T.R.E., now Cus and Akile Sufreint 2 freemen hold of Roger Bigot ; 80 acres as a manor. Then as now i plough on the demesne. And 6 bordars. And i plough belonging to the men. 2 acres of meadow. 4 beasts, 8 swine, 24 goats. Then as now it was worth 16;. And this land is i league long, and 5 furlongs broad, whoever holds the land there. And (it pays) "j^d. in geld. The King and the Earl have) the soke. In the same vill (are) 5 freemen who were Ulf's men : Gode, Alfwin his brother, Aluric son of Bund, Osketel, Bunde the smith. Those 5 hold 60 acres. Then as now i bordar. fol. 335- Then as now 2 ploughs. 2 acres of meadow. And (there was) i freewoman in the same vill over whom Norman had commendation, and she held 20 acres. Then as now i bordar. Then as now half a plough. One acre of meadow. And (there was) a half freeman with 8 acres of land. And a church with 24 acres, and I acre of meadow. And this was worth 19J. The King and the Earl (have) the soke. Hugh de Curbun holds it of Roger Bigot. In Tornintuna [Thorington] Norman holds 30 acres of Roger Bigot, and under him held Alveva a freewoman. A moiety of the com- mendation was Norman's and a moiety of the commendation was Edric's. Then as now I villein. And half a plough on the demesne. 472