Page:VCH Suffolk 1.djvu/557

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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS Norman with 72 acres, and 2 ploughs, (and) i to Norman, and Derstan under commendation acre of meadow. Worth 20J. It is 4 furlongs to Wihtmar with 6 acres, and half a plough, long, and 2 broad. And (pays) ^d. in geld. Worth izd. The said Wihtmar holds. In Struestuna [ ] the said Hugh In Alteinestuna [Alteston] ^'^ the said holds 3 freemen (formerly) under Norman, Wihtman holds I freeman (formerly) under Husteman, Edric, and Goda, with 6 -worth i2d. In Leofstanestuna [ ]*°^ (were) 2 freemen, Burric and Brihtric, under Norman's commendation, with 20 acres, and i bordar, and I plough, 2 acres of meadow, a mill, and a salt pan. Worth los. This Wihtmar holds of Roger Bigot. In NoRTUNA [ ] the said Wihtmar holds a freeman Aldolf, under Norman's com- mendation, with 20 acres, and 3 bordars, and i plough, (and) 2 acres of meadow. Worth 5;. In BuREGATA [ ] (was) a freeman Wihtmar under commendation to Godric, with 20 acres, and 4 bordars, (and) i acre of meadow. Worth 5^. The same Wihtmar (now holds). In the same (vill were) 9 freemen, Aldulf, Aluric, Brihtric, Osgot, Goda, Wihtmar, Bru- man, Wiking, Leuric, under Norman's com- mendation, with 15 acres, and i plough. Worth In Wadgata [Wadgate] the said Wihtmar holds 8 freemen, Langfer, Fegar, Brumar, Goda, Edward, Godric, Aldolf, Osketel, under com- mendation to Wihtman, and Langfer and Aldolf, under commendation to Norman T.R.E., with 15 acres. Then as now i plough. Worth 35. In Mycelegata [ ] (were) 4 freemen T.R.E., Regifer and Goda under com- mendation to Norman with 12 acres, and Leove- stan and another Goda under commendation to Wihtmar with 4 acres. Then as now among them I plough. One rood {virga) of meadow. Worth 3;. It is 3 furlongs long, and 2 broad. And (pays) 2d. in geld. And the said Wihtmar holds. In Leofstantestuna [ ] (were) 4 freemen under Norman's commendation T.R.E., Blacheman, and Durand, and Sewin, and Wluric, with 14 acres. Then as now half a plough. Worth 2s. In the same (vill) were 8 freemen under com- mendation to a certain man of Norman's, Blache- fol. 342^. man, and Brumar, Edric, Leofric, and Alwin, and Wlbald, and Theodric, (and) Leofleda, with 12 acres. Half a plough. Worth 21. In Tremlega [Trimley] (were) 3 freemen, Goda, Hildeuert, Derstan under commendation acres, Norman, named Wluric, with 12 acres. Worth 2J. In Kirketuna [Kirton] a freeman, Godric the priest, under commendation T.R.E. to Edric before he made himself an outlaw, and after he made himself an outlaw (Godric) was Norman's man, with 7 acres and i plough and i acre of meadow. Worth 31. In the same (vill) is a church with 6 acres, worth i2d. All this Wihtmar holds of Roger Bigot. In MoTHESTUNA [Moston] (was) a freeman Brihtmar under commendation to Norman T.R.E. with 20 acres, and i bordar, and i plough, and half an acre of meadow. Worth ds. This William de Silva holds of Roger Bigot. In ToRP [Thorpe] the same William holds a bordar with 8 acres. Worth 21. In Leuetuna [Levington] William de Burno- ville holds of Roger Bigot 10 freemen under commendation to Norman, Godeman, and Leuric, and Brihtric, Gunnere, Wluric, Siwold, Huna, Whita, Godric, with 32 acres. Then as now 2 ploughs. 2 acres of meadow. Worth lOJ. A church with 8 acres, worth d. In KuLUERTESTUNA [ ] (were) 7 freemen under commendation to Norman T.R.E., Dering, Godric, Leuric, Algar, WIvar, Durand, Aluric, with 25 acres. Then as now i plough. One acre of meadow. Two mills, worth 5i. It is 2 furlongs long, and 2 broad. And (pays) d. in geld. In Strattuna [Stratton] was a freeman Wihtric, Harold's man T.R.E., with 32 acres as fol. 343. a manor. And 3 bordars. And i plough. One acre of meadow. Worth 5/. Moreover in the same (vill) were 2 freemen under commendation to Norman, Ulketel and . . . ., with 38 acres as a manor. 2 bordars. Then as now i plough. One acre of meadow. Worth 6i. In the same (vill was) a freeman under com- mendation to Norman, Godeman, with 10 acres, and I bordar, and half a plough. Worth 2s. A church with 10 acres, worth 2s. It is 6 fur- longs long, and 4 furlongs broad. And (pays) in geld jd. Others hold (land) therein. AH this William de Burnoville holds. '<" See n. 96. See n. 21. 479