Page:VCH Suffolk 1.djvu/575

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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS In the same (vill) 24 freemen (held) 80 acres under soke and commendation of the Abbot. Then as now 8 ploughs. Then as now worth 30*. It is I league long, and half (a league) broad. And (pays) Sd. in geld. The Abbot holds in demesne. In WoRDHAM [Wortham] 2 sokemen (held) 60 acres as 2 manors T.R.E. Then as now 8 bordars. And 2| ploughs. And 4 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 14 swine. Worth 20 J. In the same (vill) i sokeman (with) 14 acres. Half a plough. Worth 32^. In the same (vill) Alfahc a freeman under the Abbot's soke and commendation (held) 30 acres as a manor T.R.E., and 4 bordars and I plough, and I acre of meadow. Worth los. In the same (vill) Uluric a freeman held 30 acres under the Abbot's soke and commenda- tion. And 6^ bordars. And i plough on the demesne, and half a plough belonging to the men. I acre of meadow. Worth ioj. In the same (vill) 25 freemen (held) 3 caru- cates of land. Then as now 6 ploughs. Worth 20s. The soke and commendation (are) the Abbot's. It is I league long, and 10 furlongs broad. And (pays) i2d. in geld. In GisLiNGHEHAM [Gislingham] a sokeman Aluric (held) 30 acres. Then as now i plough. And I bordar. And i acre of meadow. Worth I Of. In the same (vill) 12 freemen and i sokeman (held) 8 acres out of the 30 acres in the same soke, land and commendation belonging to the Abbot. Then 3 ploughs, now 2. And i acre of meadow. Worth 1 ox. (At) Palegrava [Palgrave] Saint Edmund held T.R.E. 4 carucates of land as a manor. Then as now 1 1 villeins and 1 7 bordars. Then 3 serfs, now i. Then as now i plough on the demesne. And 4 ploughs belonging to the men. And 6 acres of meadow. And 2 churches with 30 acres and half a plough. And 2 rounceys, 1 2 beasts, 6 swine, and 8 sheep. Then worth 6//., now 8/;. The soke is the Abbot's. In the same (vill) 29 freemen (held) 2 caru- cates of land less 12 acres. Then as now 8 ploughs. And 2 acres of meadow. Worth 40X. The soke and commendation (are) the Abbot's. It is I league long, and half a (league) broad. And (pays) i2d. in geld. In RiCHiNGEHALA [Rickinghall] 14 freemen under the Abbot's soke and commendation (held) 80 acres. Then as now 3 ploughs. And 2 acres of meadow. The fifth part of a church with 5 acres. Worth 201. (At) Brocfort [Brockford] Saint Edmund held T.R.E. 3 carucates of land and 43 acres. Then as now 14 bordars, and 3 serfs. And 2 ploughs on the demesne. And 2 ploughs belong- ing to the men. And 4 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 40 swine. And 8 beasts, 6 swine, 20 sheep, and 20 goats. Then as now worth loox. fol. 361/^. Theodwardestreo [Thedwastre] Hundret (At) Bertuna [(Great) Barton] Saint Edmund held T.R.E. as a manor 5 carucates of land. Then as now 22 villeins, and 5 bordars. Then 4 ploughs on the demesne, now 3. Then as now 6 ploughs belonging to the men. Then 11 serfs, now 4. And 3 acres of meadow. Wood- (land) for 4 swine. 4 rounceys, 18 beasts, 44 swine, and 402 sheep. And now 2 hives of bees. And 70 freemen (held) 5 carucates of land. And then as now among them all 1 8 ploughs. And 2 bordars. And i acre of meadow. Over these men (the Saint) has and always had sac and soke and all customs. And they all belong to the (Saint's) fold except 3. To the church of this vill 50 acres of free land belong as alms. Then worth 16//., now 20//. It is I league and 2 furlongs long, and I league broad. And (pays) 27^^. to a geld. (At) Pachenham [Pakcnham] T.R.E. Saint Edmund held as a manor 7 carucates (of land). Then as now 44 villeins, and 23 bordars. Then 3 ploughs on the demesne, now 4. Then as now 23 ploughs belonging to the men. Tlien 6 serfs, now 9. And 26 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for loo swine. Then 2 mills, now I. And 3 rounceys, 48 beasts, 65 swine, and 190 sheep. And now 8 hives of bees. And 31 freemen and i bordar (held) 2 caru- cates of land. Then as now among them were u ploughs. And 3 acres of meadow. These all have always belonged to the Saint with sac and soke and all customs, and to the (Saint's) fold. In the same (vill were) 3 freemen with 30 acres of land. Then as now i plough. Wood- (land) for 4 swine. They could give and sell the land, but soke and sac and commendation would remain in the Saint's possession. In the same (vill) T.R.E. i freeman with I carucate of land got the Abbot's consent to lease him {impetiavit ah abbati prestari sihi) half a caru- cate of land on condition that the whole of his land, wheresoever it should be, should remain in the Saint's possession after his death. And now out of this (freeman's) land i carucate lies in Pachenham [Pakenham] in demesne. And i plough. And 5 bordars, and 2 serfs. And a winter mill. And the Saint had always com- mendation and sac and soke over him. To the church of this township belong {jacent) 30 acres of free land as alms. Then Pachenham [Paken- 497 63