Page:VCH Suffolk 1.djvu/592

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A HISTORY OF SUFFOLK In WiNESTUNA [Winston] 21 freemen (held) I carucate of land. And 2 acres of this land were T.R.E. on the demesne of Saxo, the prede- cessor of Ranulph Peverel, in Depbenham [De- benham]. One of them was under commenda- tion to Saint Edmund with 13 acres; and (the Saint) was seised thereof until Ralph made forfeiture. Then as now 5 ploughs. And ^^ acres of meadow. Then it was worth 40J., now 45X. Of 8 Saxo had commendation, and the Abbot of Ely had both soke and commendation over the others, except two, namely Alwin and Lewin, who were under commendation to one himself under commendation to Edric, Malet's predecessor. In AsFELDA [Ashfield] Saurin the priest, a freeman in the Abbot's soke and commendation, (held) 30 acres. Then as now 2 bordars. And I plough. Worth 10;. Of this priest Walter de Dol was seised when he forfeited his land, and Earl Hugh was seised afterwards as the Hundred bears witness. And Norman says that the King sent him a writ that he should deliver seisin to Ralph de Savigny of all the freemen over whom Hubert de Port had delivered seisin to the Bishop ; and so Norman delivered seisin of this priest to Ralph ; but still he does not know if Hubert had formerly delivered seisin of him to the Bishop. And the King's Barons when they came into the county found him (held) peace- ably {in pace) between Roger Bigot and Earl Hugh, and so he shall remain undisturbed ((;; pace), until his case be decided {donee sit deration- atui). Sanfort [Samford] Hundret and a Half In BuRGHESTALA [Burstall] three freemen, Godinc, Ulmar, Alviet, one in commendation to Guert, another to Aluric, and the third to Scalpo, (held) 37 acres. Then i plough, now half a plough. And 4 acres of meadow. Worth 8i. The soke is in Bercolt [Bergholt]. In the same (vill) Godwin, a freeman of Sti- gand, (held) 30 acres for a manor. Then and afterwards I plough and I mill, now half a mill. Worth "]!. The sac, except for his house and for 3 acres, is in Bercolt [Bergholt]. In the same (vill) 3 freemen, Ulviet, Brungar, Blac- sune, held 18 acres. Then as now half a plough. Worth 4x. This Roger Bigot holds of the Bishop, and Ralph de Savigny of him. fol. 377*. Sanfort [Samford] Hundret and a Half In Wenham [Wenham] Algar a freeman (held) 24 acres as a manor T.R.E. Worth 4/. The soke was in Bercolt [Bergholt]. In the same (vill were) 4 freemen Brictuolt, Osgot, Ledmer, Godric, having 50 acres and 6 bordars. Worth 10/. The soke (was) in Bercolt [Bergholt]. In Reinduna [Raydon] Ednod, a freeman, held I carucate and 100 acres of land as a manor. Then as now 3 villeins and 6 bordars, and li ploughs on the demesne. Then as now i plough belonging to the men and 4 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 8 swine. The fifth part of a church with 5 acres. Then worth 3//., now 4//. But it was (let) to farm for 6//. The soke (is) in Bercolt [Bergholt]. This Roger Bigot holds of the Bishop. Claindune [Claydon] Hundret In Uluestuna [Ulverston] 2 freemen Aluric and Lewin, (of whom) the latter was under commendation to one himself under commenda- tion to Edric, Malet's predecessor, and Aluric was under commendation to Wisgar, (held) 30 acres, and 2 bordars. Then 2 ploughs, after- wards none, now half a plough. And 2 acres of meadow. Then it was worth lOj., now 8f. Roger holds of the Bishop, and Garenger of him. The soke (is) the Abbot's. In the same (vill) a half freeman (held) 2 acres; and they are included in the above valuation. In Petehaga [Pettaugh] Siward a freeman T.R.E. (held) 5 acres. Worth 2s. The soke (is) the Abbot's. The said Garenger holds (the land). Sanfort [Samford] Hundret and a Half Tuneman King Edward's (thegn), Harold's man by commendation, held Wenham [Wen- ham] T.R.E., I carucate of land as a manor. Then and (.afterwards) 7 villeins, now 2. Then 3 bordars, now 17. Then 2 serfs, now i. And the fourth part of a church. Then as now 2 ploughs on the demesne. Then 5 ploughs belonging to the men, afterwards and now 2. 6 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 8 swine. 6 acres of church(land). Then i rouncey, now 2. Then 4 beasts. Then 24 swine, now 40. Then 60 sheep, now 70. Then worth 601., and the like now. Roger Bigot holds it of the Bishop. It is 6 furlongs long and 2^ furlongs broad and (pays) ^d. In the same (vill) Uiuric, a freeman, held 40 fol. 378. acres as a manor T.R.E. Then i plough, then worth 5i., now bs. Harold (had) the soke. The same Roger holds of the Bishop. (At) Reindune [Raydon] Edwi a freeman T.R.E. held I carucate of land as a manor. Then as now 4 bordars and i plough. 5 acres of meadow and I mill. The fifth part of a church, with 5 acres. Then worth 30^., and the like now, 514