Page:VCH Suffolk 1.djvu/634

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A HISTORY OF SUFFOLK (At) Brantham [Brantham] the same Grim held 60 acres as a manor T.R.E. Then as now I bordar. Then and afterwards half a plough. Now 2 oxen, i acre of meadow. Then and afterwards worth ioj. and 8d. now 5^. The same William (holds it). This also Robert claims in the same way. Harold (had) the soke. (At) HuLFERESTUNA [Woolvefstone] Aluret held by commendation to Scalpi 80 acres as a manor T.R.E. Now Robert holds it in demesne. Then as now 3 bordars. Then and afterwards I plough on the demesne, now half a plough, and 1 acre of meadow. Then worth 16^., now 105. In Tatistuna [Tattingstone] Trumuin and Ulsi, freemen, (held) by commendation 120 acres as 2 manors T.R.E. Then as now i bordar. Then and afterwards 2 ploughs, now I, and 2 acres of meadow. Then worth i os., now 8s. In Stuttuna [Stutton] Eatnod, a freeman, held in commendation 60 acres as a manor T.R.E. Then and afterwards I plough, now half a plough and 1 acre of meadow. Then it was worth 1 01., now 8s. In Brantham [Brantham] Tela, a freewoman, held in commendation 30 acres as a manor T.R.E. Then as now l bordar and half a plough, and I acre of meadow. Then and afterwards worth 5^., now 31. and 6^d. In Tatistuna [Tattingstone] Aluric, a free- man, held in commendation 30 acres as a manor, fol. 420*. and 2 bordars. Then and afterwards half a plough, now 2 oxen. And I acre of meadow. Then worth ^od., now 42</. In Herchesteda [Harkstead] Aluric, a free- man, held in commendation 30 acres as a manor T.R.E. Then and afterwards half a plough, now 2 oxen, and half an acre of meadow. Then worth 5i., now 4.2d. In Eduinestuna [ ] Spieta, a freeman, held by commendation 30 acres as a manor T.R.E. Then half a plough. Then worth 5i., now i.2d. In this Hundred 7 freemen have on the demesne by commendation to Robert 120 acres. Then as now 3 ploughs. Then worth 20s., now 251. Harold (had) the soke. CosFORT [Cosford] Hundret In Latham [Layham] were 20 acres belong- ing to Ciresfort [Church ford] demesne, which Scapi held. Worth 31. William de Alno holds (them). In Colenes [Colneis] Hundred (was) a free- man with 2 acres of free land. Worth 4//. The said William de Alno holds. XXXVII. LANDS OF PETER DE VALOIGNES Brademera [Bradmere] Hundret (At) Fachenham [Fakenham] Alestan the thegn held as a manor 5 carucates of land. Then as now 14 villeins, and 7 bordars, and 10 serfs. And then as now 5 ploughs on the demesne. And 4 ploughs belonging to the men. 16 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 8 swine. Then as now I mill. Then 4 rounceys, now 3. And 16 forest mares. Then as now 12 beasts. Then 40 swine, now 20. Then as now 300 sheep. Two churches with 40 acres, and I plough, and half an acre of meadow. To this manor are attached 6^ sokemen with 30 acres. Then as now i plough. Then as now (it was worth) 13/1. It is I league long, and 8 furlongs broad. And (pays) 2s. in geld. In the same (vill) 20 freemen over whom Alestan had commendation (held) 80 acres. Then as now 2 ploughs. And 3 acres of mea- dow. Worth 20s. This (Peter de Valoignes) claims of the King's gift. In ToRP [(Ixworth) Thorpe] a freeman, Sparavoc, (held) 30 acres. He was Queen Edith's man ; and she gave him to Peter ; after her death the King granted him to him, as his men say. In Sapestuna [Sapiston] (are) 3 freemen with 13^ acres of land. Among them then as now I plough, and I acre of meadow. This is of the King's gift, and is worth fx. In Barnicham [Barningham] Alestan held I carucate of land as a manor. Then 5 villeins, now 2, and I serf. Then as now I plough on the demesne. Then half a plough belonging to the men, now 2 oxen. And 2 acres of meadow. And then as now I rouncey. Then 30 sheep. Worth 20J. And 6 freemen by fold-soke and commendation (held) 12 acres and half a plough. Worth 5J. In WiCAM [Wyken '«] Alan held T.R.E. as a manor i carucate of land. Then as now 5 bordars. Then 2 serfs, now i. Then 1 plough on the demesne, now 2. And 3 acres of meadow. Wood(land) for 8 swine. And 2 oxen belonging to the men. Now i rouncey. Then 3 beasts, now 1 1 . Then 7 swine, now 13. Then 40 sheep, now 100. And (there are) 2 sokemen with 10 acres. Then as now 2 oxen. Then it was worth 201., now 30*.

  • " In Sunton.