Page:VCH Suffolk 1.djvu/657

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THE HOLDERS OF LANDS afterwards 7, now 3. Then l bordar, after- wards 4, now 6. Then 3 serfs, afterwards I, now none. Then and afterwards 3 ploughs, now I. Then and afterwards 7 ploughs be- longing to the men, now 2. Wood(land) for 10 swine. 10 acres of meadow. Then 2 swine, now 30. Then as now 7 sheep. They were then worth 8oj., now 60s. This land Wateville's men claim as belonging to his fee. fol. 445*. LXXI. LAND OF ROBERT DE STRATFORD Sanfort [Samford] Hundret (At) BoiTUNA [Boyton ^^] Suain Suart held T.R.E. I carucate of land as a manor. Then 2 bordars, now 6. Then 2 ploughs on the demesne. Then as now i plough belonging to the men. 5 acres of meadow. Then worth 40J., now 30X. The soke (is) in Bercolt [Berg- holt.] In the same (vill) Brixi, a freeman, held 1 carucate of land as a manor T.R.E. Then i bordar, now 2. Then as now i plough on the demesne. Now i rouncey and 6 sheep. Worth 20s. It is 7 furlongs long, and 6 broad, and pays 14^/. in geld. Others have holdings there. The soke (is) in Bercolt [Bergholt]. In Belesteda [Belstead] Turi held 80 acres as a manor. Then as now 3 villeins and 2 bordars. Then i plough on the demesne. Then as now i plough belonging to the men, and 2 acres of meadow, and the fourth part of a church. Worth 23J. The soke (is) in Bercolt [Bergholt]. LXXII. LAND OF STANARD SON OF ALWI RiSEBRUGE [RisBRIDGE] HuNDRET In UuESDANA [Ousden] Wisgar held 30 acres T.R.E. Then as now i bordar. And I plough. And 2 acres of meadow. Worth 201. LXXIII. LAND OF WLMAR RiSEBRUGE [RisBRIDGE] HuNDRET In Lafham [ ] (are) 24 acres, and half a plough. Worth 4^. Saint Edmund (has) the soke. In the same (vill) the said Ulmar holds 9 acres which he took in pledge {invadavit) in King William's time from the predecessor of Ralph Pinel for 21s. Worth d. Roger the SherifT had heriot [herrei) from his father. fol, 446. LXXIIIL LAND OF THE VAVASSORS Bosmera [Bosmere] Hundret In Hamingestuna [Hemingstone] (was) a free- man with 20 acres in the King's soke, and 5 bordars. Then as now I plough. Worth 55. In Facheduna [ ] 3 freemen in the King's soke (held) 30 acres. Then as now I plough. Worth 5J. In the same Hundred. In Betesfort [Battis- ford] a freeman Durand held 30 acres T.R.E. Now Siward holds it, in the King's soke. Then half a plough, now 2 oxen. And 2 acres (of meadow). In Uledana [Olden '"] 4 freemen, Rabboda, Leuric, Edric, Uluric, (held) 8 acres. Worth d. These were added to the farm in King William's time, and Roger is warrant thereof to Ulmar the reeve, who added them, and Roger did not know that they were so added, and they used not to belong to any farm. In the same (vill) a freeman Ulmar (had) the fourth part of an acre. Worth 2d. Brictmar the bedel held over him ; and he gave security. Ulmar the reeve is surety (fidejussor) (for him). In the same (vill) a freeman Lewin (held) 2^ acres. Worth id. In Hamigestuna [Hemingstone] a freeman Brictoult (held) 4 acres, worth id. In Cratingis [Greeting] a freewoman, Aldith, (held) half an acre, worth id. Hundret of Claindune [Claydon] In Haminghelanda [Hemingstone (?)] a free- man Alwin under commendation to Gurth (held) 30 acres. Then half a plough. Worth 5^. Ulmar the reeve conjoined this freeman to the King's farm of Brumfor [Bramford], and Roger the Sheriff is warrant to him for so doing, and he renders every year fj. And the King and the Earl (have) the soke. In Turolwestuna [Thurlston] Rolf held T.R.E., now Aluric his son, a burgess of Gipes- wiz [Ipswich] (holds) 1 2 acres. Worth 2s. The King and the Earl (have) the soke. And of this was Earl Ralph seised when he made forfeiture. The said Aluric holds the church of St. Julian in fol. 4461^. the borough of Ipswich with 20 acres of land, worth 4oi. Of this church Earl Ralph was seised. In Claindune [Claydon] Alric a freeman held 6J acres T.R.E. ; now the same Aluric holds. In Bergholt and Bentley ; Copinger, Suff. Rec. In Coddenham ; n. 2. 579