Page:VCH Suffolk 1.djvu/683

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ANCIENT EARTHWORKS in the ground ; and at the south-west the fosse has been destroyed by a broad clearance, which would appear to have been made for obtaining the supplementary soil required for the formation of the mount, the excavation of the fosse yielding an in- sufficient amount for that purpose. Indications of a bailey appear on the northern side of the mount, the fosse having sprung from that of the mount on the eastern and western extremities of the axis, and the ' Gull,' the bed of a winding stream, being utilized for the same purpose on the north and the north- east. Another fosse branches from that of the mount on the south side, and evidently formed a large inclosure with the stream as the eastern boundary. This is of a later date, and within the area various mediaeval implements, horse furniture, and jewellery have been found. MlLDEN CaSTLB 9 • •"^^"u"/'% SCALE or FEET o lOo zoo soo found here Site or Castle, Otlet 5o^