Page:VCH Surrey 1.djvu/203

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INSECTS HEMIPTERA HETEROPTERA Bugs Of this section of the Hemiptera 340 out of the 454 British species have been recorded from Surrey, eleven (indicated in the list by a prefixed *) not having thus far been recorded from elsewhere in Britain. Gonocerus venafor has only been found on the box trees at Box Hill, but on the continent it has occurred on various trees, and there seems to be no reason why it should not occur elsewhere in England, unless originally introduced. That this is possible is rather suggested by its European distribution, which is given by Puton as ' Europe centrale et meridionale,' as well as by the suspicion that its food plant may also have established itself as an escape from cultivation. The only other suspicious native of the eleven is Amblytylus delicatus, of which about twelve examples were taken by myself at Woking on Gnaphalium germankum ; the locality is now destroyed, but diligent search on the same species of plant growing close by has failed to produce more, and it is now twelve years since they were found. The road by the side of which the Gnaphalium grew was then new and ' in the rough,' and just in that condition which seems to encourage the growth of introduced though apparently wild plants, such as Hieracium aurantiacum, etc., and this makes me feel a little uncertain as to its being truly indigenous. I hope however it may yet be rediscovered, as it is a particularly beautiful little insect, and its food plant is common enough in the neighbourhood. GYMNOCERATA PENTATOMIDJE (continued) PENTATOMID/E ./Elia acuminata, Linn. Reigate (Saunders), Corimelaena, White Shiere (Capron), Mickleham, Wey- scarabaeoides, Linn. Reigate, Woking, bridge (Champion), Gomshall, Albury Pur ley (Saunders), Mickleham, Headley (Butler) (Billups), St. Martha's Hill, Gomshall, Neottiglossa, Curt. Shalfird (Butler), Croydon (Blatch) ' inflexa, Wolff. Woking (Saunders), Eurygaster, Lap. Weybridge, Headley (Riips),Gomsha II, maura, Linn. Woking (Saunders), Albury (Butler) Headley (Billups), Ewhurst, Gam- Eysarcoris, Hahn. shall, Ranmore (Butler), Reigate (Lin- melanocephalus, Fab. Weybridge (Bil- nell) lup 5 )* Esher, Guildford (Champion), Podops, Lap. Gomshall (Butler) inuncta, Fab. Generally distributed Pentatoma, Oliv. Sehirus, Am. S. baccarum, Linn. Generally distributed bicolor, Linn. Generally distributed prasina, Linn. Headley Lane (Billups), dubius, Scop. Horsley (Billups), Cater- Redhill (Linnell), Ewhurst, Gomshall ham (Champion) (Butler) biguttatus, Linn. Reigate (Linnell), juniperina, Linn. Sanderstead, Mickle- Ewhurst (Butler) ham, Caterham (Douglas and Scott) morio, Linn. Reigate (Billups), Mickle- Strachia, Hahn. ham (Champion), Box Hill (Jennings) oleracea, Linn. Chobham (Saunders) Gnathoconus, Fieb. Piezodorus, Fieb. albomarginatus, Fab. Generally dis- lituratus, Fab. Generally distributed tributed Tropicoris, Hahn. picipes, Fall. Chobham (Saunders) rufipes, Linn. Generally distributed Sciocoris, Fall. Picromerus, Am. S. cursitans, Fab. Box Hill (Jennings) bidens, Linn. Wimbledon, Chobham, i I6l M