Page:VCH Surrey 1.djvu/260

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A HISTORY OF SURREY 243. Black Guillemot. Uria grylle (Linn.). Mr. Stafford records three from the county, at Lambeth, Cranleigh and Guildford ; the first being in the Charterhouse collection. These are the only Surrey records (Bucknill, P- 335)- 244. Little Auk. Mergulus alle (Linn.). Perhaps has occurred more often in the county than any other tempest-borne straggler. It has been recorded from Surrey on about a dozen occasions (Bucknill, p. 336). In some winters the species occurs inland much more frequently than in others. 245. Puffin. Fratercula arctica (Linn.). The puffin has wandered into the county on three or four occasions, being driven inland by rough weather (Bucknill, p. 338). 246. Great Northern Diver. Colymbus glacia Us, Linn. A casual visitor of rare occurrence. It has been recorded from the county on about half a dozen occasions, Frensham Pond having supplied three of these examples (Bucknill, P- 339)- 247. Black-throated Diver. Colymbus arcticus, Linn. A rare straggler. Has been noticed on two or three occasions only (Bucknill, p. 340). 248. Red-throated Diver. Colymbus septen- trionaltS) Linn. Another rare visitor. About a dozen have been observed in Surrey on various occasions ; eight being seen together at Clandon in 1 848, two of which were shot (Bucknilly p. 341). 249. Great Crested Grebe. Podicipes cristatus (Linn.). Formerly a tolerably common resident on many of the larger sheets of water in the county, but now restricted as a nesting species to a few secluded or well-protected lakes, such as in Richmond Park, where it now has successfully brought up its young in safety for two successive years, 1899 and 1900. Pro- bably protection has of late seasons slightly in- creased its numbers which at one time had almost reached the vanishing-point (Bucknill, P- 342). 250. Red-necked Grebe. Podicipes griseigena (Boddaert). A rare straggler, only having been recorded from the county on two or three occasions (Bucknill, p. 346). 251. Slavonian Grebe. Podicipes auritus (Linn.). A rare visitor. Only noticed on three occasions in the county (Bucknill, p. 347). 252. Eared Grebe. Podicipes nigricollis (Brehm). Another rare straggler. Has been recorded on two or three occasions only (Bucknill, p. 347)- 253. Dabchick or Little Grebe. Podicipes fluviatilis (Tunstall). A fairly common resident, breeding freely on some of the lakes and rivers of the county and even on the metropolitan park waters, such as those of Kew and Battersea. 254. Storm-Petrel. Procellaria pelagica, Linn. Another weather-borne wanderer. Has occurred several times in the county (Bucknill, P- 35). 255. Leach's Fork-tailed Petrel. Oceanodroma leucorrhoa (Vieillot). The same remarks apply to this as to the preceding species (Bucknill, p. 351). [Wilson's Petrel. Oceanites oceanicus (Kuhl). There are specimens in the Charterhouse collection which are stated to have been ob- tained near Godalming, but the evidence for their inclusion in the county list is not, per- haps, on the whole quite satisfactory (Bucknill, P- 352).] 256. Manx Shearwater. Puffinus anglorum (Temminck). A storm-driven visitor from the coast. Has been picked up dead or in an exhausted condition in Surrey four or five times (Bucknill, P- 349)- 218