Page:VCH Surrey 1.djvu/521

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POLITICAL HISTORY THE SHIP MONEY ASSESSMENT OF SURREY IN 1636 S. P. Dam. charter i. vol. 348, No. 82. The total sum demanded by the government was apportioned by the sheriff, Sir Antony Vincent. The various assessments throw light on the relative importance of places at the time. The comparative decay of Guildford is strongly marked by its contribution being so far less than those of Farnham and Godalming. The totals for the Hun- dreds include clerical assessments, all trifling in themselves, and chiefly of interest as preserving a list of the beneficed clergy of the county. Side by side with the ship money assessment is printed an abstract of a Subsidy Roll probably of about 300 years earlier, perhaps of 1334 ; the original in the Record Office is undated and is partly obliterated. It is preserved in an early sixteenth or late fifteenth century copy at Loseley. It is misdescribed in the Report of the Hist. MSS. Comm. on the Loseley Papers. The Taxatores named were John d'Abernon and William de Weston. A John d'Abernon was knight of the shire in 4 Ed. III., 1330, and sheriff in 1334. William de Weston was knight of the shire in 4th, 5th, 8th and loth Ed. III., that is 1330, 1331, 1333-4, 1335-6. The subsidy is of a tenth and a fifteenth. Such subsidies were granted in 1334, in 1336 and in 1337. The amounts are not quite the same as those of the Subsidy Roll of 1337, but very near to them. The total for each Hun- dred includes the Taxatores in each. The assessment is usually by parishes, but certain west Surrey parishes are not mentioned. All these are probably included under the manors which extended into them, or in other parishes. In the fourteenth century they were not all recognized parishes. Hundreds Place Sum Assessment in fourteenth century Ewhurst 32 10 O (in Gomshall) Blackheath and Shiere 31 o 5/. 7*. Sd.; and Gomshall, 8/. 6s. 8d. Wotton. Bramley 18 10 o ig/. i6s. lod. Total, Albury 20 2 6 3/. 31. od. 36 1/. 5*. od. Alfold 13 12 6 (in Bramley) The totals include Shalford 14 o o 61. iji. jd. the clerical assess- St. Martha 476 2s. lod. (Tiling) ments not here Dunsfold 17 12 6 (in Bramley) given. They are Hascombe 8100 (in Bramley and Shalford) trifling in amount. Cranley 31 5 o (in Shiere) Summa in Subsidy Wonersh 3' 5 (in Bramley) Roll: Dorking 58 o o 7/. 2s. $$d. ; and Milton, I/. 31. <)d.; Blackheath, and Westcott, I/, los. d. 44/. 5*. $d. ; Ockley 22 3/. 1 6s. <)d. Wotton, Capel 19 10 o (in Dorking and Milton) 23/. os. lO^d. Abinger 22 O O Abinger and Paddington, 3/. 4*. 2 $d. Wotton I8OO I/. 2s. sd. 441