Page:VCH Worcestershire 1.djvu/119

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ZOOLOGY MOLLUSCS Ninety-eight species of non-marine moUusca have been recorded from Worcestershire out of a total of 139 known to inhabit the British Isles, and this, when the scanty number of published lists is taken into account, is a very good number. In this estimate no note is taken of four species {Helicella barbara. Pupa anglica, Clausilia biplicata, Unio margaritifer) which find their place in one list, but are apparently due to erroneous determinations. The occurrence of Pupa secale in the Malvern district, if correct, is of interest, since the species is not as a rule met with so far inland. Testacella maugei is presumably an importation with garden or hot- house plants : for the rest the assemblage is a typically British one. Several of the localities mentioned in the list are probably no longer habitats for mollusca, since owing to the rapid increase of buildings some of them have become parts of towns : e.g. Acock's Green, Selly Oak and Hall Green. A. GASTROPODA I. PULMONATA a. Stylommatophora Testacella maugei, Fdr. Worcester — haiwtidea, Drap. Worcester ; Stourbridge — scutulum, Sby. Limax maximus, Linn. — Jiavus, Linn. — arborum, Bouch. -Chant. Worcester ; Mal- vern. Agriolimax agrestis (Linn.) — /avis (Mull.). Stourport ; Lincomb Amalia sowerbii (F^r.). Stourport — i^go*^^ (Drap.) Fitrina pellucida (Mali.) Vitrea crystallina (Mull.) — alliaria (Miller) — glabra (Brit. Auct.). Lincomb — cellaria (Mull.) — nitidula (Drap.) — pura (Aid.). Acock's Green — radiatula (Aid.). Lincomb I 81 Vitrea nitida (MqII.) — fulva (Mull.) Arion ater (Linn.) — hortensis, 'Fir. — circumscriptus, John. Lincomb — mbfuKus (Drap.). Stourport Punctum pygmaum (Drap.). Malvern district ; Henwick Mill, near Worcester Pyramidula rupestris (Drap.). Malvern dis- trict ; Bredon Hill — rotundata (Mull.) Helicella virgata (Da C). — itala (Linn.) — caperata (Mont.) — cantiana (Mont.) Hygromia granulata (Aid.) — hispida (Linn.) — rufescem (Penn.) Acanthinula aculeata (Mull.). Malvern dis- trict, near Worcester Fallonia pulchella (MulL). Base of the Wor- cestershire Beacon