Page:Vance--Terence O'Rourke.djvu/7

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AS originally compiled, this history appeared serially under the titles of "O'Rourke, Gentleman Adventurer," and "The Further Adventures of O'Rourke," in The Popular Magazine, New York: to Messrs. Street and Smith, the owners and publishers of which, thanks are due for their courtesy in permitting this reproduction.

In welding together the many adventures in the career of this Irish gentleman, with a view to their appearance in this present form, the author found both convenient and advisable the omission of certain passages, the addition of some new material, as well as other minor changes in the text. It is hoped that these alterations will meet with the approval of the friends of Colonel O'Rourke: to whom his biographer wishes to offer his gratitude for their appreciation.

L. J. V.

New York, April, 1905.