Page:Vance--The trey o hearts.djvu/261

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This last gave way in the end, shrugged, and returned to the car.

"I'm going back up the trail," he announced.

"Feeling the need of some little exercise, no doubt," Barcus suggested.

"Rose thinks it's dangerous to stop here," Alan began to explain, ignoring the interruption.

"Miss Rose is right, eh, Miss Judith?" Barcus interpolated.

Judith nodded darkly.

"According to our friend, the chauffeur," Alan resumed, "it's a good twenty-mile ride to the next pass and then back here. But Marrophat is capable of it—presuming his horses are—and even though we needn't look for them before morning, it would be well to put as much distance between us as possible. So I'm going to see if I can't buy burros from the prospector back there. Rose said he had some—doesn't know how many——"

"Three will be enough," Judith interposed. "I mean, don't get one for me. I'm stopping here."

"But——" Alan started to protest.

"Please! It's no good arguing, Mr. Law, I've made up my mind, I can be most helpful here, by my father's side," she asserted, and nodded at Trine with a significant smile that maddened him. "He needs me, and no harm can come to me, I'm pretty well able to take care of myself!"