Page:Vasari - Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, volume 2.djvu/307

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francesco francia.

of Bologna;[1] and of a truth, Francia acquired so much facility, and was so much encouraged by seeing his productions attain to the perfection he desired for them, that he executed numberless paintings, of which I cannot record the particulars, it must suffice me to indicate to those who may Avish to see his works, the most celebrated and best only. Nor did he permit his painting to interfere with his other works in medals, or to prevent him from giving his attention to the affairs of the mint, as he had done from the beginning. The departure of Messer Giovanni Bentivoglio from the city, caused Francia great sorrow, as it is said; the exile of one from whom he had received such important benefits grieving him exceedingly;[2] but yet, like a prudent and moderate person as he Avas, he continued to pursue his labours[3] with his usual assiduity. After Messer Giovanni had gone therefore, be painted three pictures, which were taken to Modena; in one of these is the Baptism of Christ by St. John, in the second a most beautiful Annunciation,[4] and in the third a Madonna in the heavens, with many other figures; this last Avas placed in the church belonging to the Frati dell’ Osservanza.

By such works, the fame of this excellent master became bruited abroad, and the different cities contended Avith each other for the possession of his pictures: accordingly he executed one in Parma, for the Black Friars of San Giovanni;

  1. The little church of St. Cecilia is now a mere passage, and the frescoes have suffered greatly, they are indeed fast going to ruin. The Marriage and Burial of St. Cecilia, are by Francia himself, the rest are by his scholars. One, for example, is by Lorenzo Costa.
  2. There is a letter from Raphael to Francia, wherein the former condoles with him on that subject. — See Calvi, Memorie, &c., p. h'l, ‘‘Take courage,” exhorts the amiable writer, “call your accustomed prudence to your aid, and believe that I feel your sorrow as my own.” This letter is dated Rome, Sept. 5, 1508.
  3. Among these it is to be remembered was the preparation of dies for the new coinage struck by Julius II. on his entrance; no very agreeable occupation for the friend of the banished family.
  4. The Annunciation is in the ducal palace of Modena; the Baptism of Christ was taken from that city to Dresden. Of the third picture we cannot speak with certainty, but there is one in the Royal Gallery of Berlin, wherein is the Virgin enthroned, and surrounded by Cherubim, with saints beneath, which may be that in question, and bears the inscription, Francia Aurifex Bon., md.ii.