Page:Vasari - Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, volume 3.djvu/109

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andrea of fiesole.

ing that the place did not suit him, and repaired to Rome, where he remained some time employed in the studies of his art and working also as occasion for doing so presented itself.

He then returned to Tuscany, and at Pistoja he constructed the marble chapel wherein is the baptismal font, in the church of San Jacopo, also executing the font of that baptistry; which he completed, together with all its decorations, with the utmost assiduity and care.[1] On the principal wall of the chapel, moreover, this artist executed two figures of the size of life in mezzo-rilievo; San Giovanni that is to say, who is baptizing the Saviour, an exceedingly well sculptured group, and in a very good manner. There are certain other small works completed by Andrea about the same time, but of these there needs no further mention; I will but remark, that although these things were effected, more by the force of practice than with any great art, yet there are nevertheless to be perceived in them a boldness and a correctness of taste which are highly commendable. It is indeed certain, that if artists, who have been endowed as was Andrea da Fiesole, had united a knowledge of drawing to their admirable facility and good judgment, they would have far surpassed those who, though drawing perfectly, yet, when they come to execute their designs, do but scratch the marble, and, notwithstanding all their efforts, put an end to their work in a very poor manner, for the want of practice, and because they cannot use the chisels with the requisite ability. After the completion of the labours above-mentioned, Andrea prepared a work in marble, for the episcopal church of Fiesole; this was placed between the two flights of steps which ascend to the upper choir; it comprises three figures in full relief, with certain historical representations in low relief.[2] In the church of San Girolamo at Fiesole, also, there is a small work in marble by this master, which is built into the wall of the church[3]

The fame of these works causing Andrea to become known,

  1. It is still to be seen in good preservation near the principal entrance to the cathedral of Pistoja.— Ed. Flor. 1832 -8.
  2. This is still in the church.
  3. These rilievi now belong to the Ricasoli family. See Cicognara, Storia della Scultura, &c., plate xxxii.