Page:Vasari - Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, volume 3.djvu/135

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andrea del monte sansovino.

sculptor Bologna.[1] Beneath the last mentioned story, our artist had determined to represent the miracle of Loretto, showing in what manner that chapel, which was the dwelling of Our Lady, the place where she was horn, wherein she w^as brought up, and where she had received the salutation from the angel: where she had reared her divine Son moreover, up to his twelfth year, and where she had finally dwelt ever after his death; he proposed, I say, to represent in what manner that chapel had ultimately been carried by angels, first into Sclavonia, next into a wood belonging to the territory of Recanati, and lastly to that place where it is still held in such high veneration, and is constantly visited by all Christian nations with such solemn frequentation.

This story, I say, in pursuance of the orders given and arrangements made by Andrea,'was executed in marble on that wall by the Florentine sculptor Tribolo, as will be related in its due place.[2] The figures of the Prophets were also sketched by Andrea, but as one only was entirely finished by himself, the others were afterwards completed by Girolamo Lombardo and other sculptors, as will be seen in the lives w^hich are to follow. But as regards the works that were performed by Andrea himself in this church, they are the most beautiful and most perfectly executed specimens of sculpture ever seen up to that time.

The palace of the Canonicate was also continued by Andrea, after the designs which had been prepared by Bramante in obedience to the orders of Pope Leo. But as the building still remained unfinished after the death of Andrea, it was continued by Antonio da San Gallo, under the Pontificate of Clement VII., and subsequently, up to the year 1563, that is to say, by the architect Giovanni Boccalino, under the most reverend Cardinal da Carpi.

Whilst Andrea was working at the aforesaid Chapel of the Virgin in Loretto, the fortifications of that place were also proceeded with, together with other works, which were highly commended by the most invincible Signor Giovanni de’ Medici, with whom Andrea stood in terms of the closest intimacy, he having been previously made known to that prince in Rome.

  1. Domenico Lancia, of Bologna.
  2. In the life of that sculptor namely, which follows.