Page:Vasari - Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, volume 3.djvu/296

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lives of the artists.

our artist in the city of Bologna, some dispersed among the houses of the citizens, and some in the churches. In Galiera he painted a façade of the palace of the Teofamini family in chiaro-scuro, with another façade, which is behind the Dolfi Palace: and this is considered by many artists to be the best of Girolamo’s works in that place.[1]

Girolamo afterwards proceeded to Trent, where he painted certain pictures in the palace of the old Cardinal,[2] in company with other artists; from these works he acquired a great increase of fame, and, returning to Bologna, there completed the undertakings which he had commenced in that city. Now it happened, that at this time there was much talk in Bologna respecting a work which was to be executed for the Spedale della Morte,[3] whereupon a large number of designs were prepared by various artists in competition with each other; some of these cartoons being in colours, others merely outlined. But as it was rumoured that different masters were expecting to have the commission, one on account of his merit, another by favour of the interest he possessed, and so on, Girolamo did not choose to come forward, and considering himself to have been unworthily treated in this matter, in a short time he departed from Bologna.

But it was now seen that the envy of his competitors had put him in the way of attaining an elevation for which he had never even hoped; seeing that if he had taken part in the work above-mentioned, he would have been thereby impeded in his advance to the good fortune awaiting him; for, having left Bologna, as we have said, and thence repairing to England, he Avas so favoured by certain of his friends who recommended him to the king, that he was at once appointed to the service of that monarch. Presenting himself to the English sovereign accordingly, Girolamo Avas employed, not as painter but as engineer, and having given proofs of his ability in various edifices, copied from such as he had seen in

    no longer be found, but a good copy of it is in the possession of the Signor Marescalchi of Bologna. — Ed. Flor. 1838.

  1. The paintings of these two façades have totally perished. — Ed. Flor. 1832-8.
  2. Cardinal Madruzzi the elder.
  3. The Hospital of Death.