Page:Vasari - Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, volume 3.djvu/335

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bartolommeo da bagnacavallo.

were considered by those who were then ruling, as well as by the people of that city, to be the best masters in Italy. Beneath the vaulting of the palace of the Podesta, there are some pictures of a circular form by the hand of Bartolommeo,[1] and opposite to the palace of the Fantucci, in San Vitale, there is a painting by the same artist, which represents the Visitation of Our Lady to St. Elizabeth.[2] In the monastery of the Servites at Bologna, there are certain Saints painted in fresco by Innocenzio da Imola,[3] around a picture of the Annunciation, in oil: and in San Michele-in-Bosco, Bartolommeo painted a chapel in fresco, for Ramazzotto, the leader of the party of Scaricalasino in Romagna.[4] In one of the chapels of San Stefano, also, the last-named artist painted two Saints in fresco, with Angels represented as Children in the air above, which are tolerably well done;[5] and in the church of San Jacopo, this master decorated a chapel for Messer Annibale del Corello; the subject of the work, which comprises a considerable number of figures, being the Circumcision of Our Lord.[6] The lunette above is occupied by a picture representing Abraham about to offer the Sacrifice of his son to Cod, also by the hand of Bartolommeo; and this is a work which was in truth conducted in a very good and able manner.

Bartolommeo likewise painted a small picture in tempera for the Misericordia, which is situate at a short distance from Bologna; herein he represented the Madonna with certain Saints.[7] He executed many other pictures for different parts of the city, with other works, which are in the possession of various owners among the citizens.[8] It is in-

  1. These paintings have been destroyed.
  2. Still to he seen in the church of San Vitale.
  3. These works also are in good preservation.
  4. The paintings in the chapel of Ramazzotto have been destroyed, with the exception of a portion representing Jehovah and certain prophets.— Förster.
  5. There is now only the Madonna crowned by the Saviour remaining, and this is in the cloister of San Stefano.—Ed. Flor. 1832 -8.
  6. The same subject is still to be seen depicted in this place, but is by Sammacchini.—Ibid.
  7. These works have been destroyed.
  8. Among these may be enumerated a Madonna, with the Divine Child, in the Piazza di San Domenico, and a picture in the Gallery of the