Page:Vasari - Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, volume 3.djvu/341

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innocenzio da imola.

performed numerous works; but being afterwards persuaded by the Count Giovanni Battista Bentivogli to settle in Bologna, he repaired to that city accordingly. Among the first of his works produced there, was a copy that he made from a picture which had been painted by Raffaello da Urbino for the Signor Lionello da Carpi, and he also executed a Fresco about the same time for the Monks of San Michelein-Bosco. This work is in the Chapter-house; the subjects are the Death of the Virgin and the Resurrection of Our Saviour; and Innocenzio may certainly be said to have completed it with very great care and much delicacy. The picture of the High Altar in the church of the same convent is also by this master, and the upper part of it exhibits a very good manner.[1]

For the Servites of Bologna, Innocenzio painted an Annunciation,[2] with a figure of Christ on the cross, for San Salvatore,[3] and many pictures of various kinds by his hand may be found dispersed all over that city. At the Viola he painted three Loggie in fresco for the Cardinal of Juvrea, two stories in each, that is to say; these he depicted after the designs of other masters, but they are executed with much care.[4] In San Jacopo this artist painted a picture in fresco with one in oil for Madonna Benozza, which cannot be considered as less than a tolerably good work.[5] Among many other portraits, Innocenzio took that of the Cardinal Francesco Alidosio; this I have myself seen at Imola, together with that of the Cardinal Bernardino Carvirale, and they are both tolerably good.

Innocenzio was a person of modest and upright character, wherefore he constantly avoided the society of those Bolognese painters who were of contrary dispositions. It was the habit of this artist to subject himself to more severe labour than his strength was able to endure; wherefore, in the fifty-sixth year of his age, having fallen sick of a pesti-

  1. Now in the Gallery of the Academy in Bologna. The subject is Our Lady in Glory, with S.S. Michael, Peter, and Benedict.
  2. Still in the church of the Servites, and bears the date 1517.
  3. This work also retains its place.
  4. See the Discorso of Giordani, Milan, 1819.
  5. There is a Marriage of St. Catherine by Innocenzio, in the Church of San Jacopo, with a small picture of the Birth of Christ.