Page:Vasari - Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, volume 4.djvu/149

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domenico beccafumi.

not feel content or at his ease in tie place; nay, rather it might be affirmed that he seemed in a manner stultified: wherefore, having completed the above-named work, he requested permission from the Prince to depart, and left Genoa accordingly to return to his home. In his way he passed by Pisa, for the purpose of seeing that city; and having there met with Battista della Cervelliara, was by him conducted to visit all the most remarkable objects in the city; more particularly the paintings of Sogliani, and the pictures which are in the apsis of the Cathedral, behind the high altar.

Meanwhile Sebastiano della Seta, Warden of the Cathedral of Pisa, having heard fromCervelliera of the rank held in art and the great abilities of Domenico Beccafumi, and being anxious to see an end put to the work which had been kept on hand so long by Giovan-Antonio Sogliani, commissioned Domenico to paint two of the pictures for the apsis of the cathedral, the works to be executed in Siena, and to be despatched thence to Pisa, which was accomplished accordingly. In one of these pictures is Moses, who, having found the people offering sacrifice to the golden calf, throws down the tables of the law and breaks them.

Here Domenico has painted certain nude figures, which are most beautiful. The second picture is likewise from the history of Moses, and exhibits him at the moment when the earth opens to swallow up a part of the people, and in this work also are nude figures lying dead, after having been killed by the ligtnings of Heaven, which are beautiful to a marvel. When these pictures were taken to Pisa they caused Domenico to receive a commission for the execution of four more, to be placed in front of the tribune, two on each side that is to say. These pictures represent the four Evangelists, and are exceedingly beautiful.[1]

Thereupon Sebastiano della Seta, who perceived that he was served expeditiously and well by Domenico, caused that artist to paint a picture for one of the chapels of the cathedral, Sogliani having previously painted four for the same chapel. Domenico, therefore, remained for a time at Pisa, and in that picture he painted Our Lady seen in the air with the Divine Child in her arms; she is reposing on clouds

  1. The Four Evangelists are still in the Cathedral of Pisa.