Page:Vasari - Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, volume 5.djvu/12

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Passage omitted. See Life of Lione Lioni, Vol. V., p. 439; after line 26 should come the following paragraph.

A Milanese, named Leonardo, has also accomplished numerous works in Rome, and he has very lately finished two statues of San Pietro and San Paolo in marble, for the Chapel of the Cardinal Giovanni Riccio of Montepulciano; they are considered good figures and are much extolled. The sculptors, Jacopo and Tommaso Casignuola, have executed a statue in several pieces for the tomb of Pope Paul IV. in the Chapel of the Caraffi in the Church of the Minerva; it represents the Pontiff just mentioned, robed in a mantle formed of the brocatello marble, and the frieze, with the other decorations, is also in vari-coloured marbles. Here then we find an addition made to the productions of modem genius, since the sculptors, by means of colours, make their works resemble paintings. This tomb, out of his great goodness and gratitude, has been constructed by that truly excellent and sacred Father and Pontiff Pius V., a man indeed most holy and most worthy to enjoy a long life.