Page:Vasari - Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, volume 5.djvu/223

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taddeo zucchero

Admiral of France; and the younger Cardinal of Lorraine; with those of another Guise who had not then been made a Cardinal; of the Signor Piero Strozzi; of Madame de Montpensier; and of Mademoiselle de Rohan.

The end of the Hall opposite to this, has in like manner two Stories, with an oval compartment between them; and in this Oval is the portrait of Henry King of France, with the following inscription:—

Henrico Francorum regi max. familiae Farnesiae conservatori.

In one of the Stories, that to the right, namely. Pope Paul III. invests the Duke Orazio, who is kneeling before him, with a sacerdotal Robe, and makes him Prefect of Rome; the Duke Pier Luigi, and other Nobles, stand around. The inscription is as follows:—

Paulus III. P. M. Horatium Farnesium ncpotem summce spei adolescentem praefectum urbis creat. anno sal. 1549.

Here also are numerous Portraits, the Cardinal of Paris,[1] for example, with Visco, Morone, Badia, Trento,[2] Sfondrato, and Ardinghelli. Beside this Story is that which represents the same Pope Paul conferring the Baton of General on Pier Luigi and his Sons, who were not yet Cardinals. We have here the following portraits: the Pope; Pier Luigi Farnese; the Chamberlain; the Duke Ottavio; Orazio, Cardinal of Capua; Simonetta; Jacobaccio; San Jacopo; Ferrara; the Signor Ranuccio Farnese, who was then a youth; Giovio; Molza, and Marcello Cervini, who was afterwards Pope; the Marquis of Marignano; the Signor Giovan Battista Castaldo; Alessandro Vitelli, and the Signor Giovan Battista Savelli, are likewise portrayed from the life in this work.

We now come to the smaller Hall, that namely which is above the Hall of Spring, and the ceiling of which is richly adorned with stucco-work and gilding; in the centre is the Coronation of Paul III., with four compartments forming a Cross, and bearing the following inscription:—

Paulus III. Farnesius ponyitifex maximus Deo et hominibus approbantibus sacra tiara solemni ritu coronatur, anno salutis 1534, iij. Non. Novemb.

Four Stories complete the decoration; in the first, the Pope confers his benediction on the Galleys which departed in the

  1. The Cardinal Jean Bellay, Archbishop of Paris, that is to say.— Bottari.
  2. The Cardinal Cristofano!Madruzio, Bishop and Prince of Trent. —Ibid.