Page:Vasari - Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, volume 5.djvu/25

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ridolfo and michele.

like father and son, always laboured together, and performed a large number of works in company. For the Church of San Felice—in Piazza, a place belonging to the Monks of Camaldoli, they painted a picture representing Our Saviour Christ and the Virgin in the air;[1] they are interceding with God the Father for the people praying beneath, and beside whom are kneeling several Saints. In the Church of Santa Felicita, they painted two Chapels in fresco, which are executed with infinite ability; in one of these is seen the Saviour dead, with the Maries around him; and in the other is the Assumption of Our Lady, with certain Saints.[2] For the Church which belongs to the Nuns of San Jacopo delle Murate,[3] these artists painted a picture, the commission for which they received from Monsignore de’ Bonafe, Bishop of Cortona; and in the Convent of the Donne di Ripoli they painted another, representing Our Lady, with certain Saints.

For the Chapel of the Segni, which is beneath the Organ in the Church of the Santo Spirito, they also painted a picture of Our Lady with Sant’ Anna and many other Saints;[4] in a picture for the Company of the Neri they painted the Beheading of St. John the Baptist, and at the Monachine in the Borgo San Friano, they executed one of the Annunciation. For the Church of San Rocco at Prato, they painted a picture, the subject of which was Our Lady with ^an Rocco on one side and San Sebastiano on the other, and for the Brotherhood of San Sebastiano, which is near San Jacopo sopr’ Arno, they also executed a painting of Our Lady, with San Sebastiano and San Jacopo. Another work w'as in like manner undertaken by Ridolfo and Michele, at San Martino alia Palma, and finally they painted one for the Signor Alessandro Vitelli, which last was sent to Citta di Castello; this was a figure of Sant’ Anna, and it was

  1. This work is still in the Church of San Felice.
  2. The paintings executed in these two Chapels have perished.
  3. San Jacopo in Via Ghihellini that is to say. The picture is now in the Academy of the Fine Arts in Florence; it represents the Madonna seated amidst the clouds, with the Infant Christ in her arms; she is accompanied by the SS. Jacopo, Francesco, Lorenzo, and Clara, beneath is the Bishop of Cortona, a kneeling figure, in the habit of a monk.—Ed. Flor., 1832-8.
  4. Beneath the organ is the door of tne sacristy, but the picture in question is in the fifth Chapel, and on the right of the entrance. —Ibid.