Page:Vasari - Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, volume 5.djvu/45

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battista franco.


[born 1498—died 1561.]

The Venetian, Battista Franco, having given his attention to design in his childhood, repaired to Rome, as one who desired to attain to the perfection of his art, in the twentieth year of his age; and there, having studied for some time with much diligence, and examined the manner of many masters, he resolved to confine himself to copying the designs, paintings, and sculpture's of Michelagnolo, and to imitate the works of no other. Wherefore, having set himself to make research, there did not ultimately remain a single design, or sketch, nay not even a copy executed by Michelagnolo, that he did not himself make a copy from; whence it resulted that no long time had elapsed before he was reputed one of the best designers by whom the Chapel of Michelagnolo[2] was frequented. Nay, what is yet more, Battista would for some time do nothing but draw, and would not paint at all.

But in the year 1536, very great and sumptuons preparations were to be arranged by Antonio da San Gallo, for the arrival of the Emperor Charles V., and all the artists, whether bad or good, were then employed, as we have said, in another j)lace. Then Rafiaello da Monte Lupo, who was commissioned to construct the decorations for the bridge of Sant’ Angelo, among which were ten statues, to be placed along the bridge,—Raffaello, I say, resolved so to contrive, that Battista likewise should be employed with the rest, having observed him to be an exact designer and a youth of fine parts, for which cause he desired by all means to give him occupation: having spoken respecting the matter to San Gallo, therefore, Rafiaello pressed him so much, that Battista received the charge of four large stories in chiaro-scuro, which were to be executed in fresco on the front of the l^orta Capena, now called the Gate of San Sebastiano, by which the emperor was to make his entry.

Over this gate therefore, Battista, though he had never then touched colours, painted the arms of Pope Paul III.,

  1. Zanetti, Pittura Veneziana, informs us that the family name of this artist was Semolei.
  2. The Sistine Chapel in the Vatican that is to say.