Page:Vasari - Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, volume 5.djvu/465

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girolamo sicciolante.

The entire ceiling of the marble chapel constructed by Cardinal Cesis in the Pace, was then decorated by Grirolamo with stucco-work, forming compartments within which were four pictures, exhibiting the Birth of Christ, the Adoration of the Magi, the Plight into Egypt, and the Slaughter of the Innocents; a very commendable work, and one giving proof of good invention, fair judgment, and great diligence. In the same Church, and no long time after the completion of the above, Girolamo painted a beautiful picture of the Birth of Christ; this work, which is fifteen palms high, is placed near the High Altar. For the Sacristy of the Church of Santo Spirito in Borne he painted a picture in oil, representing the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles; this also is a very graceful production. The Chapel of the Fuccheri family in the Church of Santa Maria de' Anima, which is that of the German nation, was painted in fresco by this artist: who depicted events from the Life of Our Lady therein, the Altar-piece had previously been executed by Giulio Romano. For the High Altar of San Jacopo of the Spaniards, Girolamo painted a large picture, exhibiting a most beautiful composition of Christ on the Cross surrounded by Angels, while on each side is another picture nine palms high, with a single figure; St. James the Apostle on the one side namely, and the Bishop Sant’ Alfonso on the other; from all these pictures it is manifest that the artist studied with much diligence, and they are executed with great care.

At the Church of San Tommaso, which is in the Piazza Giudea, Girolamo painted a chapel in fresco depicting therein the Birth of Our Lady, the Annunciation, and the Nativity of Our Lord: the chapel is that opposite to the Court of the Cenci Palace. He painted stories from the History of Rome in a Hall of the Palace of Cardinal Capodiferro;[1] and for the Church of San Martino in Bologna he painted the picture of the High Altar, which was greatly extolled.[2] For the Signor Pier Luigi Farnese, Duke of Parma and Piacenza, in whose service Girolamo Sermoneta passed some time, he executed numerous works, more especially a picture eight palms high, now in Piacenza and intended for a chapel; it represents Our Lady, St. Joseph, St. Michael, and St. John the Baptist, with an Angel.

  1. Which afterwards became the property of the Spada family.
  2. Now in the seventh Chapel of the Church of San Martino, in Bologna.