Page:Vasari - Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, volume 5.djvu/467

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jacopo del conte.

the good manner of this work, then caused the artist to paint a Disputation of Christ with the Doctors, over that door of the Pace which leads into the convent: that also is a very beautiful production; but this master, taking more pleasure in making portraits and executing other small works than in those of more important character, abandoned the latter and has painted a vast number of likenesses, among which are some of Pope Paul III., which are admirable as to resemblance and very beautiful pictures.

From the designs and after the works of Michelagnolo, this Marcello has also made numerous little pictures, among which is the whole of the Last Judgment, which he has executed extremely well. Nay, of a truth, for small things it could not be easy to find better pictures; wherefore, that most kindly gentleman, Messer Tommaso de’ Cavalieri, who has always favoured Marcello, employed him to paint for the Church of San Giovanni Laterano an Annunciation, after the design of Michelagnolo, which is a very beautiful thing. The design, by Michelagnolo’s own hand, was presented to the Duke Cosimo by Leonardo Buonarroti, nephew of Michelagnolo, together with other designs of fortifications, architectural works, and similar productions of great excellence. And this shall suffice for Marcello, who is still working at these small pictures, which he finishes with a care and patience that are truly remarkable.[1]

Of the Florentine Jacopo del Conte,[2] who, like the abovementioned artist, lives in Rome, I shall have said enough, if to the remarks before made concerning him I here add some few particulars. This artist, then, taking much pleasure from his earliest youth in drawing from the life, desired to make that his principal vocation, although he has occasionally executed a good number of frescoes and other pictures, both in Rome and elsewhere. Of his portraits (not proposing to name them in detail, which would make too long a story) I will only say that, from Pope Paul III. down-' wards, he has taken likenesses of all the Pontiffs who have since occupied the Papal seat, with those of the Ambassadors

  1. Marcello Venusti left a son, called Michelagnolo, who neglected painting for art-magic, but after suffering “a good penance inflicted on him by the Holy Inquisition,” writes a commentator of our own day (let the date be remarked), “was restored to the paths of truth.”
  2. A disciple of Andrea del Sarto, for whose Life see Baglioni, loc. cit.