Page:Vasari - Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, volume 5.djvu/470

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lives of the artists.


Now in many places I have already spoken of the works performed by certain Flemish artists, of much excellence, and more especially of their engravings, but this I have done somewhat vaguely, and will therefore here add the names of some others, who have been in Italy for the purpose of acquiring knowledge in art, and who have for the most part been known to myself, although I have not been able to obtain notices of their works, they meriting, as I think, to be here recorded for their industry, and the labours they have endured for our arts.

I say nothing further of Martin d’Olanda[1] Griovan Eyck of Bruges, and Hubert his brother, who in 1510 brought to light the invention of painting in oil, because I have spoken of them elsewhere: the latter, having left many works by his hand, as we have before related, in Ghent, Ypres, and Bruges, where he lived and died honourably. But I proceed to say, that after them came Roger Van der Weide, of Brussels, who executed numerous works in various places, but more especially in his native city. In the Town Hall, for example, are four beautiful pictures in oil, the subjects relating to matters that appertain to the administration of justice. This master had a disciple named Hansse,[2] from whose hand we have a small picture in Florence, representing the Passion of Christ, which is now in possession of the Duke. Next followed the Fler^ings, Ludvig der Loviano Luven,[3] Peter Christo,[4] Justus of Ghent,[5] Hugo of Antwerp,[6] and many others, who never left their native country,

  1. Martin Schöngauer. Our readers know that Vasari frequently confounds Holland, Flanders, and Germany.
  2. Hans Memling, called in the Life of Antonello, Anse.
  3. This is the Dutch painter, Dierk Von Stuerbout. — German Edition of Vasari.
  4. Peter Christophson; many small works by whom are at Frankfort. See the Kunstblatt for 1841, p. 15, and for 1843, p. 230.
  5. See the Kunstblatt for 1841, p. 16. See also Bryan, Dictionary of Painters, and the Handbook of Kugler, where (vol. ii. of English Edition) there is an elaborate description of his celebrated picture, the Last Judgment, in the Church of St. Mary, at Dantzic.
  6. Hugo Von der Goes. Works by this artist may be seen at Berlin, Munich, &c,, and there is one in the Church of Santa Maria Nuova, at Florence.