Page:Vasari - Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, volume 5.djvu/474

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lives of the artists.

and Paolo, which, as he tells us, is a production of singular beauty.

A good colourist and esteemed original in his inventions, is Martin Vos,[1] who paints admirably from the life; but for the execution of fine landscapes, Jacob Grimmer,[2] Hans Bolz,[3] and some few other artists of Antwerp, are said to be unequalled: yet, I have not been able to obtain minute particulars of these able men. Peter Arsen,[4] called Lungo, has painted a picture with folding wings, in his native city of Amsterdam; the subject. Our Lady with Saints. This work cost two thousand crowns. Lambert of Amsterdam [5] is also much spoken of as a good painter. He passed many years in Venice, and obtained considerable practice in the Italian manner. He had a son named Federigo, of whom, as he was one of our Academicians, I propose to speak elsewhere. Peter Breughel of Antwerp, and Lambert Van Hort, of Amersfort in Holland, are also excellent; while Gilis Mostaert,[6] brother of the above-named Franz, is considered a good architect. Peter Pourbus[7] likewise, although still but a youth, has already given proof that he will eventually become a distinguished painter.

And now, that we may not be wholly unacquainted with the miniaturists of those lands, I add that the masters named below are excellent in that branch of art. Marino of Siressa,[8] Lucas Hurembout[9] of Ghent, Simon Benich of Bruges,[10]

  1. A scholar of Floris, bom 1520, died 1604. For details respecting the numerous masters named thus rapidly, the reader is referred to the authorities before cited, or may consult Bryan, Dictionary of Painters and Engravers.
  2. A disciple of Michael Coxcie and Christian Queebora.
  3. n engraver as well as painter.
  4. Called Long Peter, for his great height; painted principally still-life and glass windows for chambers—Förster.
  5. Lambert Sustris, flourished and lived principally at Munich. He is not to be confounded with Lambert Lombard, or Susterman.—German Edition of Vasari.
  6. The twin brother of Franz, and so like him that their own father could not always distinguish the one from the other.
  7. This must be Franz, the son of Peter, who was born in 1513, and was not a youth when Vasari wrote this (in 1567). Franz Pourbus was an excellent portrait painter, as was his son, also called Franz.
  8. Of this artist the present writer can find no authentic account.
  9. Gerard Lucas Horebout was in the service of Henry VIII., and died at London in 1558.
  10. Who likewise passed some time in England.