Page:Vedic Grammar.djvu/177

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V. COMPOUNDS. DETERMINATIVES. 167 (MS. II. 63) 'sitting in the south'; divo-já- 'produced from heaven', divo-dúh- (SV.) 'milking from the sky', divo-rúc- 'shining from the sky'. b. The ending of the genitive would naturally appear only before deri- vatives from verbs governing the genitive. There seem to be no certain examples: divá-ksas- 'ruling over the sky' (divás) however seems probable ³. b. I. Ordinary Adjective as final member. 278. Ordinary adjectives which are not of a verbal character may appear as final member of determinatives much in the same way as past participles in -ta and -na (273, 4). But adjectives ending in -z are almost exclusively compounded with the privative a(n)- and prepositions; e. g. an-āśú- ‘not swift', án-rju- 'dishonest', á-dāśu- 'impious', á-bhīru- 'not terrible'; prāšů- “very (prá) swift' (aśú-). The only final members otherwise compounded are -vasu- 'rich' in vibhá-vasu- 'radiant' and other compounds, and -raghu- 'swift', in máde- raghu- 'quick in exhilaration'. a. The first member may be a substantive in the relation of a case to the last; e. g. tanít-subhra 'shining in body', yajñá-dhīra- 'versed in sacrifice', vakmarája-satya- 'faithful to the ordainers of hymns', visvá-sambhu- 'salutary for all'. The relation is sometimes expressed by the case-ending: the locative in gávi-sthira- (AV.) 'strong in kine (gávi)' as a name, máde-raghu- 'quick in exhilaration', suté-kara- 'active in (offering) Soma', sumná-āpi- 'united in affection (sumné)'; instrumental in dhiya-vasu- 'rich in devotion', vidmanápas- working (apás-) with wisdom (vidmána)'. The first member may also appositionally express a comparison as representing a type: śúka-babhru- (VS.) 'reddish like a parrot'¹³. 2 b. The first member may be an adjective qualifying the final member in an adverbial sense; thus aprūmi-satya (voc.) 'eternally true', urdhvá-prśni-4 (VS.) 'spotted above', try-àrușa- ‘reddish in three (parts of the body)', mahā- nagní-5 (AV.) 'courtezan' ('very naked'), mahá-mahi-vrata- 'ruling very mightily', mahá-vatūrin- 'very broad, visvá-ścandra- ‘all-glittering¹6. c. Adverbs and particles often appear as first member; e. g. an-asi- 'not swift', anyáta-ení- (VS.) ‘variegated on one side (anyátas)’, evára- 'quite (evá) ready (ára-)', duḥ-śéva- 'unfavourable', púnar-nava- 'renewing itself', sató-mahānt- ‘equally (sa-tás) great, sató-bṛhatī- (VS.) ‘the equally great' (a metre), satyám- ugra- 'truly mighty', sú-priya- (AV.) ‘very dear'. d. Several prepositions appear as first member, mostly with their original adverbial meaning; e. g. áti-krsna-7 (VS.) 'very dark'; á-miśla-tama- 'mixing very readily'8; upottamá- (AV.) 'penultimate'; ni-dhruvi- ('fixed down') 'per- severing', nis-kevalya- (VS.) 'belonging exclusively'; präsí- 'very swift', pra- ¹ But it has also been otherwise explained; 4 Here the adjectival stem is used for the cp. WACKERNAGEL 2¹, p. 213 c, note; who adv. urdhvám. also quotes á-kasya-vid- 'knowing nothing' from the MS. 5 From this is formed the m. mahá-nagná- (AV.) 'paramour'. 6 The meaning of sadhv-arya- "truly faith- ful'(?), which occurs only once, is doubtful; cp. WACKERNAGEL 2¹, p. 237 (top). 7 ati in the sense of 'very' does not occur in the RV., but in the later Samhitãs it is the commonest of the prepositions com- pounded with adjectives. 2 The word jätu-sthira- probably contains an old instrumental 'naturally solid'; in nabhā-nédiṣṭha- nearest in kin' as a name, the first member though looking like a loca- tive, probably represents an IIr. stem nabhā-; cp. RICHTER, IF. 9, 209. The compounds a-şama-, an epithet of Indra, and ghasé- ajra (VS.) are Bahuvrihis. 3 A transition to this compound use appears in máno jáviştham (RV. vi. 95) 'very swift as thought'. - 8 Very slightly mixed', GELDNER, VS. 3, 181. - a-tura- 'suffering' is obscure in origin.