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190 I. ALLGEMEINES UND SPRACHE. VEDIC GRAMMAR. I this class masculines are frequent, but only about half a dozen neuter forms occur, and the feminines are limited to three substantives and the adjective a-saścát 'unequalled'. The inflexion is like that of the radical -t stems, the accent never shifting to the endings. Inflexion. 312. Sing. N. m. 1. reduplicating class ³: cíkyat, jáhat, júhvat, dádat, dádhat, bápsat (Vbhas-), bíbhyat, bibhrat. 2. intensives: kánikradat and kánikrat, kárikrat (kṛ- ‘do') and (ā-)cárikrat (AV.), ghánighnat and jánghanat (√han-), cániścadat (Vscand), cárkrsat, cákasat (√kaś-), cékitat (√cit-), iárbhurat, jágrat, távitvat, dárdrat, dédiśat, didyat, dávidyutat, dódhuvat, dávidhvat, nánadat, nánnamat, pánīphaṇat, bháribhrat, mármrjat, mármrsat, mémyat, rárajat, rérihat, róruvat, várīvrjat, vávadat, vévidat, vévișat, śóśucat, sánisyadat (Vsyand-), syand-), séşidhat. 3. non-reduplicating verbs: väghát, śásat; aor. dákşat and dháksat. N. A. n. 1. jágat, dávidyutat, pépisat, yoyuvat (AV.).- N. f. vehát (AV. VS.). A. m. 1. á-saścatam (1. 1129), dádatam, bibhratam. - 2. kárikratam (AV.), gánigmatam, didyatam, nánadatam, pánipnatam, róruvatam (AV.). - f. a-saścátam (II. 32³); vehátam (AV.). - — I. m. dádatā, śśśucatā. - f. a-saścáta. n. jágata (AV.). D. m. 1. jújoşate, júhvate, dádhate, bibhrate, sáścate. — 2. ghánighnate. 3. vagháte. - n. 1. jágate (AV.). Ab. m. 2. kánikradatas. - G. m. 1. jigatas, dádatas, dádhatas, bápsatas.- 2. júnghnatas, táritratas, dódhatas, vévisatas.-3. vaghátas, śásatas, dhákṣatas (aor.). n. 1. jágatas. 2. a-várvṛtatas (AV.), vávadatas. - L. n. jágati. - - Du. N. A.V. m. a-saścáta, bápsata, bibhrata; táritratā; śásatā; dádhatau, bíbhratau. f. a-saścátā. - G. m. pipratos. I The f. of the regular participles is formed by the suffix -. 2 But á-sascant-ī from sáścat-. 3 See below, Verb, 461. There occurs once an anomalous N. pl. with -ant from a reduplicated stem: vavydh- ántas. See below, Perfect, 492, note on vávy dhváms-. Pl. N. m. 1. júhvatas, titratas, dádatas, dádhatas, pipratas, bápsatas, bibhratas, sisratas. - 2. kárikratas, jágratas, jóhuvatas, dávidhvatas, didhyatas, dódhatas, nónuvatas, mármrjatas, sóśucatas.- 3. dáśatas, vāghátas.—f.a-saścátas, vahátas, sravátas. A. m.I. jákṣatas (√ghas-). — 2. jágratas (AV.), dódhatas (AV.), śáśvasatas, śóśucatas (AV.). - f. saścátas; sravátas. r I. m. 2. nánadadbhis, pópruthadbhis, vávadadbhis, śáśvasadbhis. 3. vaghádbhís. G. m. jágatām, bíbhyatām (AV.); vāghátām. — f. sravátām. V. m. jagatas, väghatas. 313. Participles in -ant are formed from all present stems (except those of the reduplicating class and of intensives and the few others that follow their analogy), from all future stems, and from aorist stems. Their analogy is followed by rkánt- 'weak', pŕsant- 'spotted', brhánt- 'great', rúsant- 'brilliant', which have lost their participial function; also by dánt-5 m. 'tooth'. The adjective mahánt- 'great', having lost its original participial meaning deviates from the participial declension in lengthening the vowel of the suffix in the strong forms. In the inflexion of this group the distinction between 5 This word is probably an old pres. participle of ad- 'eat', with prehistoric loss of the initial a like s-ánt being' from as- 'be' (25, 1). The RV. has one transfer form, N. dánta-s (starting from the A. dánt-am); the AV. has others, dántās and dántais.