VI. DECLENSION. NOUNS. CONSONANT STEMS. 239 Sing. N. șắț. V. m. f. șāṭ. A. m. f. sáham. I. sahá. D. sahé. Ab. sahás. G. sahás. L. sahi. - Du. N. A. V. m. f. saha and sáhau. N. A. n. sahí. Pl. N. V. m. f. sáhas. A. m. sáhas and sahás, f. sáhas. D. m. f. sad-bhyás¹. G. m. sahám. L. m. satsú ¹. The forms actually occurring are the following: Sing. N. m. 1. with -k: usá-dhak 'burning with eagerness'; go-dhúk 'milkman', prati-dhúk2 (AV. TS.) 'fresh milk'; akṣṇaya-dhrúk 'injuring wrongly', a-dhrúk 'free from malice', antaka-dhrúk 'demon of death', abhi-dhrúk 'inimical', asma-dhrúk ‘inimical to us'. 2. with -t: sắt; abhi-sắt ‘overpowering, rsi-sắt ‘overcoming the seer, jana-sắt ‘overcoming men, turā-sắt ‘overpowering quickly, nis-sắt ‘over- powering', ni-saț3 (AV.) 'overcoming', pura-sát 'victorious from of old', prtana- sắt 'conquering hostile armies', prāśu-sat 'finishing swiftly', bhuri-sáț+ 'bearing much', rayi-șắt 'ruling over wealth', vane-sát 'prevailing in woods', virā-șaț5 'ruling men', viśvā-ṣáț (AV.) 'all-conquering', vrtha-sát 'conquering easily', satrū-șăț7 (AV.) 'overcoming foes', satra-sát always conquering'; turya-vát (TS. IV. 3. 3²) 'four-year-old ox', ditya-vát (VS. xiv. 10; TS. Iv. 7. 10¹) 'two- year-old ox', pastha-vắt (VS. xIv. 9) four-year-old ox', madhyama-vắt 'driving at middling speed', havir-vát 'conveying the oblation', havya-vát 'conveying the offering'. - Irregular form: anad-ván (AV. TS. VS.) 'ox' ¹0. 10 f. 1. usnik (VS. AV.) a metre, garta-rúk" 'ascending the car-seat', sabar- dhúk 'yielding nectar'. - 2. dakṣina-vát 'borne to the right' ¹2. 12 n. I. puru- sprk much desired'. A. m. I. Strong forms with -váham and -saham (after å) or -şáham (after i orr): anad-váham, turya-váham (VS. XXVIII. 28), ditya-váham (VS. XXVIII. 25), pastha-váham (VS. xXVIII. 29), vīra-váham 'conveying men', svasti- váham 'bringing welfare', havya-váham (also f.); pra-saham 'victorious', yajña- saham ¹3 'mighty in sacrifice', visvä-sáham, satrã-sáham; abhimati-şáham 'con- quering adversaries', rti-sáham 'subduingassailants', ny-saham 'overcoming men', prtanā-sáham ¹4. — With metrical shortening of -sáh- or -sáh-rti-şáham, prtană-şáham ¹4; carşani-sáham 5 ruling over men', pra-sáham, vibhva-sáham 'overcoming the rich', sada-sáham 'always holding out'. - 2. a-drúham, puru- sprham. - f. gúham 'hiding-place', drúham 'fiend', míham 'mist'; usníham (VS. XXVIII. 25); parī-náham 'enclosure'. I. m. dhanvā-sáha 'skilled in archery', puru-spŕhā, visu-drúhā 'injuring in various parts'. f. guhá ¹6, druhá, mahá 'great'; usniha (VS. XXI. 13); pra- sá ha7 'might', vi-srúha 'plant. n. mahá. — D. m. druhé¹8, mahé; a-drúhe, abhi-drúhe, abhimāti-ṣáhe¹9 (TS. v. 2. 7³), carşani-sáhe ¹5, satrã-sáhe 2⁰-f. mahé; usnihe (VS.xXIV. 12); go-dúhe²¹. — n. mahé. 1 To be inferred from anadúdbhyas and anadútsu. 2 There is no evidence to show the gender of this word. 3 For ni-sat. 4 For bhuri-șsát. 5 For vira-şát. 6 For visva-şát. 7 For satru-șāt. 8 Here ditya- seems to be dvitiya-. 9 Probably from pastha-prstha- back'. The TS. (IV. 3. 3² etc.) has pastha-vát with dental for cerebral t. = 10 There is also the transfer form mahá-s, supplying the place of a N. of máh-. 11 For garta-rúk. 12 The N. of saráh- 'bee', occurs as sarát in TS. v. 3. 12² (B) and in ŚB. XIII. 3. 14. 13 For yajña-saham. 14 With unphonetic cerebral after a owing to the influence of the N. pṛtanā-ṣāṭ. 15 The s is here not cerebralized after . 16 guha which occurs 53 times (beside guha, once) is used adverbially, 'in secret', with retracted accent. 17 From pra-sáh, beside pra-sáh-. 18 This form is perhaps f. 19 Strong form for weak. 20 Strong form for weak (II. 212), but the Pada text has satra-sáhe. 21 There is also a transfer to the i-de- clension: maháye (as an infinitive).