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VI. DECLENSION. NOUNS. VOWEL STEMS. 277 (11.84), bahvyàs (III. 112), pāvamānyás (III. 10³). The VS. has about 10 such forms: devyàs (XXXVII. 4) beside devis, pátnyas (xXIII. 36) beside pátnīs (VI. 34), phálavatyas (XXII. 22), bahuyàs (XIX.44) beside bahvis, mahánāmnyas (XXIII. 35), maitravarunyàs (XXIV. 2), maitryàs (XXIV. 8), vatsataryàs (xxIv. 5), V. vamryas (XXXVII. 4), vaišvadevyàs (XXIV. 5), sarasvatyàs (XXIV. 4). b. There are no transitions from the radical - declension to this one in the RV., and in the AV. only nadis (beside nadyàs) and laksmis (beside lakṣmyàs). But the transi- tions from the i- declension are numerous: angúlis (AV.), avánīs, ājánīs, ūtis, rstis (AV.), dhamánis (AV.), náktīs, nábhīs (AV.), nirrtīs, niṣkṛtīs, pársnīs (AV.), puramdhis, prstis (AV.), bhimis, visvá-krstīs, śrénīs, sáyonis. A. This case is identical in form with the N., and its origin is doubtless similar. It is very frequent, being made from more than 100 stems in the RV. The commonest forms are: purvis (40), ósadhis (24), mahis (18), bṛhatís (12), dắásīs (9) 'demonesses’, pátnīs (7), pŕsatīs (7)² ‘dappled mares'. I. This case is fairly frequent, being made from 32 stems in the RV. The commonest forms are: śácībhis (36), távisibhis (13), śámībhis (8), óşadhibhis (6), prsatibhis 3 (5). The TS. has also símībhis (v. 2.12¹), sucibhis (v.2.11¹.²); the VS. aruníbhis (XII.74), jágatībhis (1.21), sthālíbhis (XIX. 27) 'cooking-pots'. D. This case is rare, being formed from only three stems in the RV. and a few others in the later Samhitās: āvyādhinībhyas (VS.xvI. 24) ‘assailing bands', ósadhibhyas, keśínibhyas (AV.) 'hairy', gandharvá-patnībhyas (VS. AV.) 'having Gandharvas for spouses', ghoṣiṇībhyas (AV.) 'noisy', táviṣībhyasª, tisthantibhyas (VS. XXII. 25) 'standing', tymhatibhyas (VS. xvI. 24) 'piercing', mănuşībhyas (TS. Iv. 1. 4³; VS. xi. 45) 'human', vrsanyántibhyas 'desiring a male', śaśvatíbhyas5 (AV.) ‘everlasting', srávantibhyas (VS. XXII. 25) 'flowing', hradúnībhyas (VS.xxi. 26) 'hail'. Ab. Only three forms of this case occur in the RV.: ósadhībhyas, padvátībhyas 'possessed of feet', brhatibhyas. G. This case, which as is usual in the vowel declension takes the ending -nām, is found in only one m. form, sóbharīnām; but it is fairly common in the f., being formed from 34 stems in the RV. The oxytones which number only six", throw the accent (as in the i-declension) on the ending: bahvinám, bhanjatinám 'breaking', bhatinám, bhunjatinám'gladdening', mahinám7, yatīnam. This rule does not, however, hold in the SV. and VS., which have mahinām (VS. I. 70; IV. 3); nor in the AV. where the forms nārāśamsínām 'eulogies' and rathajiteyinām 'chariot-conquering' occur. Of the remaining 28 genitives in the RV.8 the commonest are: šáśvatīnām (10), óṣadhīnām ⁹ (9), mánuṣīnām (8), śácīnām (4), īyúṣīņām¹⁰ (3) 'having departed'. From the VS.: āvyādhinīnām (XVI. 21). L. This case is fairly common, being formed from 30 stems (all f.) in the RV. The most frequent forms are: ósadhīṣu (20), mánuṣīṣu (8), náhusisu 'neigh- bouring', jágatīşu (2) 'females', táviṣīṣu (2), yahvísu (2), róhiṇīṣu (2). The rest occur only once each ¹2. From Khila III. 15¹7: suddha-dantīşu 'white-toothed'. 12 This form should perhaps be read as śréņayas in v. 597. 2 Also the transitions from the radical - declenslon arunts and yātudhānis (AV.). 3 The stems forming this case in the RV. are enumerated by LANMAN 396. 4 nárī- 'woman', by shortening its final vowel, forms its D. according to the i- declension: náribhyas. 5 Irregularly accented on the final of the stem, otherwise, šáśvati-. 10 6 Or 7 including strí: strinám. 7. On the exceptions mahinām (X. 134¹), yatinām (1. 1586), devayatinām (1, 36¹), see LANMAN 398 (bottom), II 8 The G. návyasīnām is once used in agreement with the m. marútām. 9 kanínām, with contracted -ya-, is the only G. pl. of kanya- in the RV., kanyánām occurs once in the AV.; see LANMAN 399 (top). io Perfect participle of i- 'go'. 11 There is also the transfer form from the - declension sváhakṛtīsu, in which the long vowel is perhaps metrical. On the other hand strīsu (accent) is a transfer to the radical -declension. 12 LANMAN enumerates the stems, 399. (bottom).